Soiless in Smart Pots. Is Draining really important?


Hi yall, so I'm a first time soiless grower (tried DWC last time) and I'm liking it so far. Someone just told me its key that I water until the nutes drain out the bottom. Is that really key? My smart pots fill up the container they are in completely so even if I did the drainage would have no where to go. Guessing I would need to prop them up some how.

The root organics guide says to flush with just ph balanced water once a week too, not sure if thats necessary. I'm giving them dyna-grow line. They were looking healthy up until recently, now they have what looks like a nitrogen deficiency.

Thanks in advance,


I'm currently growing in Smart Pots using Promix.
I do water until I get a little drainage but not really run off.
I just make sure the ground is wet underneath the pot.
That way I know the soil is saturated with water all the way through.
Also I do a Water, Feed, Water, Feed cycle.
I've never done the flushing either,I have read about, and looked into but it doesn't seem necessary to me.
Depending on your feeding schedule but as long as you not getting lock out or burn don't see a reason too.

My soiless mix is about 66% Promix / 33% Pearlite
I also threw a cup of Dolomite Lime in to about 25Gallons of mix.
Hope that help.

As to the Nitrogen deficiency that would depend on different factors.
Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
70/30 coco perlite mix here smart pots hand watered I have them all in saucers and water untill the saucer starts over filling. alternate feed/water/feed lucas formula head modified.

I used to feed daily but they seem to prefer the alternating more.

as for once a week flush, coco flushes very easily so i would say as long as you are watering with some run off I wouldn't think you would get salt build up (or i never have) but watering with no run off I would think it is a good idea to occasionally flush the salts that will surely build up without a run off.


Active Member
70/30 coco perlite mix here smart pots hand watered I have them all in saucers and water untill the saucer starts over filling. alternate feed/water/feed lucas formula head modified.
I have been thinking about a similar mix for my next grow. On average, how often do you need to water? I was looking into hempy buckets, but with my job, there is always a chance I could be gone for a couple of days.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't want runoff unless i wanted to reduce the nutrient strength... typically plants need more nutrients as they go along so as long as you don't overfeed you should be fine with feeding every watering with no runoff.


Well-Known Member
if you add perlite to the coco you might consider concentrating the perlite towards the bottom of the container because if you water too fast the perlite will float to the top over time

as for watering frequency... anywhere from 36 hours to 10 days depending on container size. I water whenever the container feels light and the top layer (at least 1 inch) of soil is dry. bout 6 days on the 3 or 5 gallons once the plant is established otherwise about 8 days.


Well-Known Member
I have been thinking about a similar mix for my next grow. On average, how often do you need to water? I was looking into hempy buckets, but with my job, there is always a chance I could be gone for a couple of days.
I water daily. let me rephrase that as i Dont want anyonw drowning their plants blaming me haha.

at first in veg i only water about every 2nd or 3rd day for the first couple weeks untill I feel like a proper root zone is there and then I water every morning...Thinking about setting a pump on timer and doing a timed feeding maybe 15 minutes 3x a day.

now that being said I see your concern is time away..I can get away with 2 full days if I leave the saucer filled with run off..usually i drain it halfway as i have soe deep dish saucers under the plants and find if I do not lower the level it shows a slight overwater but once i drop the water in the saucer to about an inch and a half they loves me..

what i was getting at is you could get away with using smart pots and if planning on being out somewhere just place them in a larger pot or deep saucer to create sort of a rez.


Well-Known Member
hey beast and sorry op for the do you think I would benefit waiting longer between watering..I seem to have better results not letting my coco become fully dry but If you have some knowledge for me i am all ears.