stupid bitch!!!!!

If she was my daughter I would put her over my bended knee and tan that ass good. Quickest way to the cerebral cortex in my opinion...
No offense, but parents who demand that their 18 year old daughter, who is maintaining honor student status, dump a boyfriend and maintain a curfew or else have her college fund revoked are infinitely less mature than she is. IMHO they're lucky she didn't go Menendez on them, especially considering the implications behind "overly affectionate". To me, "Overly Affectionate" + Wants Daughter to dump boyfriend MORE than wants daughter to succeed at life = Didn't really want a kid, wanted a living doll that he could boss around and finger after he gets her drunk and she passes out, and he got mad when she didn't obey his every command and started letting guys other than him touch her naughty bits.
From what was disclosed, the only rule she didn't uphold was not breaking up with the boyfriend that her parents disapproved of.
That's not a house-rule but rather an infringement on her personal life, clear case of them trying to dominate her life and now denying her funds for an education, cruel/cheap bastards they are
Dr. Jekyll

"Accusations of inappropriate affection"
Maybe daddy didn't want any other man having his way with his little girl
Mr. Hyde

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde again.

[h=3]'I hate you, have a nice life, bye mom'[/h]Phone message left for Liz Canning from Rachel at July 2, 2013 1:18pm, submitted to Morris County Court, which got the judge apparently so angry:

'Hi mom just to let you know you're a real f**king winner aren't you you think you're so cool and you think you caught me throwing up in the bathroom after eating an egg frittatta, yeah sorry that you have problems now and you need to harp on mine because i didn't and i actually took a s*** which i really just wanna s*** all over your face right now because it looks like that anyway, anyway i f***ing hate you and um I've written you off so don't talk to me, don't do anything I'm blocking you from just about everything, have a nice life, bye mom'

[h=3]'I hate you, have a nice life, bye mom'[/h]Phone message left for Liz Canning from Rachel at July 2, 2013 1:18pm, submitted to Morris County Court, which got the judge apparently so angry:

'Hi mom just to let you know you're a real f**king winner aren't you you think you're so cool and you think you caught me throwing up in the bathroom after eating an egg frittatta, yeah sorry that you have problems now and you need to harp on mine because i didn't and i actually took a s*** which i really just wanna s*** all over your face right now because it looks like that anyway, anyway i f***ing hate you and um I've written you off so don't talk to me, don't do anything I'm blocking you from just about everything, have a nice life, bye mom'

It's a little girl hissy fit. How did this ever get to court?
ww, did you hear of the recent case where a father or boyfriend, not sure which, raped i think it was a 2 year old baby to death?? absolutely fucking sickening, wtf is wrong with some people in this world ffs??

In such horrific cases life in prison or even the death penalty is too good, it should be an eye for an eye for these sick mofo's.
I didn't see it so don't know what state it's in but say he gets life he'll be afforded every protection from "ordinary" prisoners and get to spend his days in solitary or with other sex fiends.
That poor poor baby, where was Momma though!
ww, did you hear of the recent case where a father or boyfriend, not sure which, raped i think it was a 2 year old baby to death?? absolutely fucking sickening, wtf is wrong with some people in this world ffs??
that's awful.

I have a feeling the same fate awaits him in his new home shortly after arrival.
that's awful.

I have a feeling the same fate awaits him in his new home shortly after arrival.

so agree, i mean, wtf, i can't even imagine something as sick as that...

and you bet your sweet ass, if tha guy makes it to prison, the guards will make sure they put him in a cell with bubba the 12 inch cock rapist, and he'll get his.. will never bring the baby back, but at least some justice will be served.
so agree, i mean, wtf, i can't even imagine something as sick as that...

and you bet your sweet ass, if tha guy makes it to prison, the guards will make sure they put him in a cell with bubba the 12 inch cock rapist, and he'll get his.. will never bring the baby back, but at least some justice will be served.

I hope this is the case, he should suffer until the day he dies.
There are no mitigating factors here, it is nothing short of pure evil.
From what was disclosed, the only rule she didn't uphold was not breaking up with the boyfriend that her parents disapproved of.
That's not a house-rule but rather an infringement on her personal life, clear case of them trying to dominate her life and now denying her funds for an education, cruel/cheap bastards they are
Dr. Jekyll

"Accusations of inappropriate affection"
Maybe daddy didn't want any other man having his way with his little girl
Mr. Hyde

Your making an awful big assumption that this spoiled 18 y/o girl is an innocent little Angel. Personally I think the little bitch needed something to say to leverage in court so she made up this bullshit about her dad. Sorry story just doesn't sound plausible. It's a spoiled teenager that her parents have PAID for private schooling and she wants to do shit her way just like all did when we were 18. Only we didn't sue mom and dad.

What a spoiled little brat, she's 18 and wants her folks to pay her a wage to go to college.

No offense, but parents who demand that their 18 year old daughter, who is maintaining honor student status, dump a boyfriend and maintain a curfew or else have her college fund revoked are infinitely less mature than she is. IMHO they're lucky she didn't go Menendez on them, especially considering the implications behind "overly affectionate". To me, "Overly Affectionate" + Wants Daughter to dump boyfriend MORE than wants daughter to succeed at life = Didn't really want a kid, wanted a living doll that he could boss around and finger after he gets her drunk and she passes out, and he got mad when she didn't obey his every command and started letting guys other than him touch her naughty bits.
why is everyone so willing to buy into this idea that she's not lying? Suddenly after she's kicked out, all these years of daddy being overly affectionate just conveniently surface.. c'mon now ace.
I mean does this look like an emotionally scarred abused/molested 18 y/o daughter or a devious manipulating parent suing beer slut?
I mean does this look like an emotionally scarred abused/molested 18 y/o daughter or a devious manipulating parent suing beer slut?
So if you're a strong person and you don't let adversity ruin your life and physically show it in every picture your life experience is discounted and you should be punished by incredulity? If a normal looking woman says she has been raped, do you assume she's lying if she doesn't have smeared mascara and scars on her wrists? Come on now, you judge her by one smile? You make pretty big assumptions calling her a spoiled bitch without knowing her. If that guy paid for your schooling and diddled your asshole before you were old enough to know it was wrong should we all just turn a blind eye and assume you're lying when you finally get the courage to speak up?
So if you're a strong person and you don't let adversity ruin your life and physically show it in every picture your life experience is discounted and you should be punished by incredulity? If a normal looking woman says she has been raped, do you assume she's lying if she doesn't have smeared mascara and scars on her wrists? Come on now, you judge her by one smile? You make pretty big assumptions calling her a spoiled bitch without knowing her. If that guy paid for your schooling and diddled your asshole before you were old enough to know it was wrong should we all just turn a blind eye and assume you're lying when you finally get the courage to speak up?

I understand what you're saying, and I knew someone would have this response :). And you're right a picture means nothing and making a judgement by a photo is ignorant of me. At the same time you're assuming the father did these over affectionate things without knowing him.. the accusations are simply very convenient timing is all I'm saying.

You make a good case about her parents actions of withdrawing the high school tuition though. I missed that originally and thought it was just her college tuition. Something is fishy on both sides if you ask me.
I'd be inclined to go with the latter.
She was ditching school and staying nights at her bf's against her parents wishes, as I said previously if she was being abused or kissed inappropriately by her Dad there are other channels open to her to get her justice so IMO it's all about her wanting to have the benefits of her folks money without the rules.
In one photo posted by someone there is alcohol on the table behind her while some guy has his arm around her waist, what a traumatic life she must lead.
So if you're a strong person and you don't let adversity ruin your life and physically show it in every picture your life experience is discounted and you should be punished by incredulity? If a normal looking woman says she has been raped, do you assume she's lying if she doesn't have smeared mascara and scars on her wrists? Come on now, you judge her by one smile? You make pretty big assumptions calling her a spoiled bitch without knowing her. If that guy paid for your schooling and diddled your asshole before you were old enough to know it was wrong should we all just turn a blind eye and assume you're lying when you finally get the courage to speak up?

Most victims of abuse don't sue their parents for $650 a week and a college education.
If she has been traumatised by Daddy why hasn't she reported him to the police and be screaming for justice?