Loompa farms

wow. lets keep this civil and not resort to name calling or mud slinging. We have been honest and upfront from the beginning. What i meant was You are takin a risk anytime you order something off the internet. You can find bad reviews about every seedbank out there. The fact is Logic contacted us several times at our site and we decided to take a risk and make our gear available to the medical and connoisseur communities. Let me pose a question what would you do? We are trying to make people happy . i wish you all well as usual

I don't mean to be rude. But there have been A LOT of ripoff artists coming out of the works lately and it really frosts my cookies. I've been taken for my hard earned cash as I know others on here have. I have ONLY heard good things about your genetics and hope some day I can try them. But to act like WE ARE all the crazy ones for slamming the farm is a little insulting. Don't believe what we read? Sorry but after 3000 reports of being ripped off by the same seedbank I think it's probably got some truth to it. I'm sure logic did contact you a ton of times. He needs more bait to switch.

My apologies for being rude earlier but dealing with logic KINDA puts you guys in the same category with him. Peace.
wow. lets keep this civil and not resort to name calling or mud slinging. We have been honest and upfront from the beginning. What i meant was You are takin a risk anytime you order something off the internet. You can find bad reviews about every seedbank out there. The fact is Logic contacted us several times at our site and we decided to take a risk and make our gear available to the medical and connoisseur communities. Let me pose a question what would you do? We are trying to make people happy . i wish you all well as usual
respect to you.
what id do is.send'em out myself....but i know how it is in this world.
All this saddens me, especially since I took a risk to get a chance to test loompas gear. Its ridiculous that this could go on for so long and still might be. hope I don't get burned but I also hope for all that this kind of behavior gets stamped out in this community. what is sad is i'm like a lot of other folks that work hard for my money and got screwed in the past. it hurts, its not just nothin.. but to be fair I don't have a direct experience with the farm yet but its in motion. I'll report back, it's gonna take a little time.
i did not say you were crazy nor did i infer that. something written can be taken in many different ways. im sorry you have lost funds that sucks and i have been in the same shoes my friend believe me. The web is full of ripoffs you are correct. The fact is you can write anything on the web and it can be true or false and noone knows but you. There are dishonest folks in all walks of life. I can assure you that we at LF have the communities best interests in mind, and are TRYing to put an end to the shenanigans by setting an example of honesty and integrity. I m sorry for anyone who has lost genetics or money in the mail as i have been there as well and know how it feels. sincerely and with great respect for the community at large
Full disclosure.. a friend of mine purchased a few of the Yeti bx2s from the thc drop...risky but we'll see...if they come through ill be pissed
Don't let the negativity steer you away from here Loompa. I think some people just misunderstood what you were saying.

Having breeders here is great for everyone I wish people would show them the respect so they stay around and not take off like the others have.
Don't let the negativity steer you away from here Loompa. I think some people just misunderstood what you were saying.

Having breeders here is great for everyone I wish people would show them the respect so they stay around and not take off like the others have.

fucking a right, completely agree mr head, and i just said the same in the best og thread.. and i agree, i'd love to see loompa stick around, it's always great having breeders here at riu imvho..
i just want to smoke/grow some true pure underdawg,cause i know its what i like,and its fire as hell<<<and thats the offspring bagseed

so i know the real thing has to be damn good.
I would love to try your gear, but I can't take the chance of not getting what I paid for. Bring your gear to a reputable seedbank like Attitude or Herbies. I guranteed you will sell way more gear through them than where you are at now. Hopefully, someday soon I will get a chance to run some of your gear. I have heard great things about Loompa!
so attitude and herbies have never had a problem? Thanks for all your suggestions guys, feel free to let us know what you think is the most reputable. In the meantime we will continue to make our gear available to you guys as we can. Colorado is slowly in the works, and we may be at the 420 cup next month . I am not hear to slander anyone and believe the truth is the only answer.
Yeh I got my Yeti Bx2's , What you guys dont like to take chances? Loompa seems legit straight up guy. You all seem like you hating? why show so much hate? for a breeder there are not many out there. I have mad respect for Loompa dont know the guy personally but from what I read he is one of the few breeders that know their shit. Few friends are already running the 1st Loompa drop. And when I get my beans up and going I will make sure to provide you all with a smoke report. This man has spent his life doing what he does and he releases a few seeds and you all are hating on him. Too many bad vibes over here going back to the farm and I really dont care if I get banned for this post.
Don't let the negativity steer you away from here Loompa. I think some people just misunderstood what you were saying.

Having breeders here is great for everyone I wish people would show them the respect so they stay around and not take off like the others have.

The thing about respect: I give what I get. When anyone gives me the 'take it or leave it' routine, I'll leave it if there are any decent options. In the beans world, there are many many excellent options.

My post began and ended with "with all due respect", by the way.