Only at Walmart. Customers dosed with LSD.

that's really eff'ed up.. i love drugs and have done more then my fair of lsd, but never, not once, would i ever think about "slipping" a drug to someone who wasn't aware of what i gave them, nor knowing about it before hand..
i had to stop reading when i saw the mother who took some was 9 months pregnant ffs. i hope they find the scum bag who did this and thought it was funny and, well, i won't even say what i'd think should happen to him as a result, but it's not very nice.. :D
actually really surprised this is not more common.. not just drugs but other things... guess I grew hearing about the Tylenol poisonings in the 80's ad figured it would be the norm
That's whacked. How bout that crazy bitch who drove her kids and her mini van right into the fkn ocean. The kids were hangin out the window screaming "help, moms trying to kill us". A few passers by rescued the kids while the mom walked away from the scene in a daze. She'll blame it on post partum depression and walk. Absolutely outrageous.
you would think that this would happen more often in those big office buildings with these people eating other peoples food.
someone eats my super turkey leftover sandwich, the next one is going to have something VERY special in it.
Damn, I don't shop at Walmart for the simple reason they never have anything I want...but that roast.

Gimme gimme!
you want to talk about a serious law suit . I would sue for millions . hundred millions. they will and win , watch
that's really eff'ed up.. i love drugs and have done more then my fair of lsd, but never, not once, would i ever think about "slipping" a drug to someone who wasn't aware of what i gave them, nor knowing about it before hand..
not very nice.. :D

I 2nd this.
I have felt like I was tripping both times I have been to a Wal Mart

Dude my Wal-Mart trip report:

1:35 I was slightly sober but I smoked a bowl about two hours before hand and I walked into Wal-Mart and noticed the A/C

2:00 I finally found the chicken fingers I was sent in for but the old fashion Wal-Mart paranoia kicked in and I was trapped and lost touch of reality

2:15 I found myself the electronics section and noticed they had a xXbox to play demos on it and I played Madden 25

2:45 I was walking down the pet section and the tall shelfs made me flip out and I knocked out in Wal-Mart and fell on a bulk bag of hamster food

3:32 I woke up to a fat Mexican woman in yoga pants say "hey move homes I need that hamster food" while I was still dazed I understood and I said sorry

4:00 I finally found my way to the cash register with less than 16 people in line and I felt a little more better but I still was paranoid from the Wal-Mart so I took a pack of big red and chewed all of it in hopes to sober up

8:00 pm after 4 hours in line I finally paid for my chicken tenders and I walked out but still buzzed from Wal-Mart

8:45 I made it home and I got in the featle position and cryed for 30 mins straight

9:16 I got sobered up and I decided to never go back to Wal-Mart ever again

Overall I whould say never try Wal-Mart because it made me paranoid
Who the F would buy beef at walmart ...............

It's cheap and they have their own ranch.
Never bought beef from walmart personally.

It was prolly a pissed employee that planted the cid or the people claiming suit doing it as a hoax to sue walmart.

Remember the woman who found a finger in her Wendys chili?