The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ive been to the dam twice, not the canna cup but both times I was ther was for a week, I wouldn't go back again for more than a weekend not for a while anyway, ye just get bored of it I think. U been before relax??
lived in Belgium for a bit mate, use to go to Holland weekly for my smoke (on the train in my pocket stinking shit up lol) but only been to the dam a handful of times, found it over priced n poor selection but id love to go to the cup n sample some tasty tack n see if i can get anything free (unlikely) but it would be more so for the atmosphere.


Well-Known Member
lived in Belgium for a bit mate, use to go to Holland weekly for my smoke (on the train in my pocket stinking shit up lol) but only been to the dam a handful of times, found it over priced n poor selection but id love to go to the cup n sample some tasty tack n see if i can get anything free (unlikely) but it would be more so for the atmosphere.
Aye I think if I was to go back it would have to be for the cup or something, goin and just gettin smashed is gettin a bit boring, rather go somewhere hot for that shit


Well-Known Member
I had a loada m8s go to the damn and all go to the post office to post stuff back at the same time, one guy got his parcel but they'd emptied it and the rest got fuck all lol, they wer that fucked up they thot it would be ok all goin at once to post the stuff lol, also had a m8 bring near two oz back up his hole lol, not for me that shit I've got good enough stuff at home


Well-Known Member
Nah mate, far 2 big a risk, they could have atleast put a little more effort into it n tbh I had some exo a while back that was on par with most the stuff I got certainly smelt better...


Well-Known Member
I had a loada m8s go to the damn and all go to the post office to post stuff back at the same time, one guy got his parcel but they'd emptied it and the rest got fuck all lol, they wer that fucked up they thot it would be ok all goin at once to post the stuff lol, also had a m8 bring near two oz back up his hole lol, not for me that shit I've got good enough stuff at home
I regularly get sent stuff from the dam.

Love the place. Grey are hold some seriously top smoke.


Well-Known Member
I regularly get sent stuff from the dam.

Love the place. Grey are hold some seriously top smoke.
Amsterdam coffee shop weed cant compete with artisan grown clone onlies, last time I was there I couldn't get stoned cos the weed had been tumbled for kief, the place is a rip off and very boring being around noob smokers and perverts whove never seen a woman by the looks....then theres all the gays mincing around and the junkies scratchin themselves and askin for coin, wouldn't bring kids there.........much bettr off soaking up a nice Balearic vibe with plenty weed and little of the canna bs, Portugal all drugs are legal so surely Amsterdam will be the last place anyone goes when weed is legal everywhere....imo


Well-Known Member
Well another day of graft for bizzle must be mad coming to work on a sunday potted the exo last night into a nice deep 3ltr pot can't believe how quick she grows might be sooner I can rape her for long are you in flower sae? Please don't tell me them leaves are off veggers...if your late in flower I wouldn't worry about it man finish em and fuck em off ;)


Well-Known Member
Well another day of graft for bizzle must be mad coming to work on a sunday potted the exo last night into a nice deep 3ltr pot can't believe how quick she grows might be sooner I can rape her for long are you in flower sae? Please don't tell me them leaves are off veggers...if your late in flower I wouldn't worry about it man finish em and fuck em off ;)
7.5 wks out of a possible 9-11wks but at a guess will take between 10-11 wks to finish properly


Well-Known Member
Aye I wouldn't worry too much mate the colours almost look autumn colour like she's finishing her self? Give her 2 more weeks and chop mate I'd say your too late in flower yo do anything about it mate she be sound ;)


Well-Known Member
Is it on the upper middle half or lower that the discolouration takes place? Didn't find that troubleshooting thing any help?


Well-Known Member
Is it on the upper middle half or lower that the discolouration takes place? Didn't find that troubleshooting thing any help?
upper 1/3rd of the plant, trying to spread downwards

I did have a quick look at it but it was very late n lil un is ill so been dealing with that mostly, will have another look in a sec after a coffee lol, is the guide self made or copied from somewhere?


Well-Known Member
Amsterdam coffee shop weed cant compete with artisan grown clone onlies, last time I was there I couldn't get stoned cos the weed had been tumbled for kief, the place is a rip off and very boring being around noob smokers and perverts whove never seen a woman by the looks....then theres all the gays mincing around and the junkies scratchin themselves and askin for coin, wouldn't bring kids there.........much bettr off soaking up a nice Balearic vibe with plenty weed and little of the canna bs, Portugal all drugs are legal so surely Amsterdam will be the last place anyone goes when weed is legal everywhere....imo
your absolutly right zeddd, it's all overrated if u ask me


Well-Known Member
upper 1/3rd of the plant, trying to spread downwards

I did have a quick look at it but it was very late n lil un is ill so been dealing with that mostly, will have another look in a sec after a coffee lol, is the guide self made or copied from somewhere?
its from leaf troubleshooting or something like that.


Well-Known Member
its from leaf troubleshooting or something like that.
cool, just having my coffee then will get on it, personally i think it has a lot to do with the shit soil im using this time (light mix) plants havent been happy in it since day 1


Well-Known Member
cool, just having my coffee then will get on it, personally i think it has a lot to do with the shit soil im using this time (light mix) plants havent been happy in it since day 1
jaysus U cowboy lol I use that for starting shit off! Has ur ph been low at all ?