Well-Known Member
the point is that he took guns away from everyday citizens.......plain and simple....
these historically challenged idiots don't realize that hitler became dictator through the ballot box. gun registration was already enacted before he came in and hitler loosened it for most.
and, as you pointed out, 67 million germans sat by and watched with guns as they took the jews away, just like winterwoman sits idly by and wonders why gays would want access to the same goods and services that the rest of us have access to.
Where's the rest of it. Oh that's right you cherry pick. Don't worry Doer handled that for you
the point is that he took guns away from everyday citizens.......plain and simple....
Where's the rest of it. Oh that's right you cherry pick. Don't worry Doer handled that for you
Reality is a bitter pill.... and the NRA handbook should never be used as historical evidence
Why dont you read the article for yourself.. and post the parts that support your argument.... ready set go!!!
you guys should just go get in line for the FEMA camps.....Ill stay here and wait for your return
you guys should just go get in line for the FEMA camps.....Ill stay here and wait for your return
deal. where's my nearest FEMA camp in portland oregon? i want to go get in line.
you guys should just go get in line for the FEMA camps.....Ill stay here and wait for your return
has historical fact shut you up for a while or are you enjoying looking this stupid...
at home w/ my defense weapon....cant wait for that little kid to pop his head up...Here meaning.....?? Another FEMA camp?
you got no Repour round here bro!!...your first argument w/ me has been completely thwarted...
you my good sir are in FEMA region X(10)..Im sure if you look up the site they prolly come pick you up even....
some of these idiots will claim that the jews would have been able to fight off the nazis if they had guns, even though the combined armies of several nations couldn't manage the feat for years.
and i shit you not, some of these idiots will point to the warsaw ghetto massacre, where jews were massacred en masse, to prove how right they are.
reality means nothing to a lot of these folks.