Gun Ownership to prevent Tyrants ???

these historically challenged idiots don't realize that hitler became dictator through the ballot box. gun registration was already enacted before he came in and hitler loosened it for most.

and, as you pointed out, 67 million germans sat by and watched with guns as they took the jews away, just like winterwoman sits idly by and wonders why gays would want access to the same goods and services that the rest of us have access to.

Reality is a bitter pill.... and the NRA handbook should never be used as historical evidence

Where's the rest of it. Oh that's right you cherry pick. Don't worry Doer handled that for you

Why dont you read the article for yourself.. and post the parts that support your argument.... ready set go!!!
Reality is a bitter pill.... and the NRA handbook should never be used as historical evidence

Why dont you read the article for yourself.. and post the parts that support your argument.... ready set go!!!

some of these idiots will claim that the jews would have been able to fight off the nazis if they had guns, even though the combined armies of several nations couldn't manage the feat for years.

and i shit you not, some of these idiots will point to the warsaw ghetto massacre, where jews were massacred en masse, to prove how right they are.

reality means nothing to a lot of these folks.
you got no Repour round here bro!!...your first argument w/ me has been completely thwarted...

yeah .. you indiana hicks think .75% of a population wouldve over thrown 99.25% of a population had they been given access to guns...

morons gonna moron... and you are the epitome of a moron
some of these idiots will claim that the jews would have been able to fight off the nazis if they had guns, even though the combined armies of several nations couldn't manage the feat for years.

and i shit you not, some of these idiots will point to the warsaw ghetto massacre, where jews were massacred en masse, to prove how right they are.

reality means nothing to a lot of these folks.

The thing about Genocide is it can't be defended from. It just cannot and that is why it works. People would not let that happen to them if they could fight back.

The first steps in this are sudden but subtle. Then subtle.....then sudden. We all know that famous poem about how it just creeps up until you need help, but there is no one left to help.

What we don't understand is that the propaganda works for the first ones exactly like the last ones. There was never anyone to help. And there never will be.

Night of the Long Knives started it, nothing about Jews, but by Chrystal Night the horror, to come, was a done deal. And still the Jews had no defense and even little clue.

Just imagine being forced to sew on a Patch? Is that the time to start shooting? Subtle.

And it is not just Jews of course. It is pogram, purge, ghetto, and lies about lies and death, for all time.

We don't seem to be able to stop it. It may not be stoppable, ever. It is happening right now, in Darfur, for example.

The usual reprisal ratio is 10:1 for fighting back. . But, that is just a baseline. That is just for subrogation, not purge. How to know?

The only reason we can't be forced into slavery and dispersed like the Jews and so many groups, is that WE are quite willing to kill to say no, that will never happen.

And we do that every day. And every day, Gestapo forces are killing Jews for the same reason. WW2 isn't over.

What, by the way, do you all think is happening Ukraine today? Are some being rounded up as UN observers are denied access? Some?

I bet the KGB, for lack of a better term, has been elbows deep in blood these last weeks.

Hey, Buck. You know there were cadre of Jews fighting Nazi in Belorussia. The movie Defiance is about that.
It was the only organized resistance that held their own until the Soviets got there.

But, the idea that Jews or Blacks or Blonds could resist an organized Genocide is just wrong. Fighting back makes the killing easier, and it puts the public more against you. The first step in Genocide is to sub-humanize, marginalize, blame for all ills, criminalize, and only then stamp out.

Tutsi leaders are still hunting Hutu leaders and vice versa. Nothing is ever over.