i wanna go to a secluded FEMA camp with schuylaar and work on repopulating the human race.
Film it for posterity. Doer would pay through the nose.
Most and you think that is ok. That does make you a racist and a bigot.my citation proves that hitler expanded gun rights for most.
why don't you go ahead and try to contradict it now, you woman of esteem and country.
I don't even like banana bread.
Most and you think that is ok. That does make you a racist and a bigot.
i make more than my wife makes from her job and her investments combined.
my citation proves that hitler expanded gun rights for most.
why don't you go ahead and try to contradict it now, you woman of esteem and country.
yeah .. you indiana hicks think .75% of a population wouldve over thrown 99.25% of a population had they been given access to guns...
morons gonna moron... and you are the epitome of a moron
Please show me where I said every man woman and child would kill a jew....Why do you assume that every man woman and child in Germany was willing to kill a Jew?
if you think the 500,000 jews of the 67 MILLION population wouldve beaten the Germans had they had guns
Its funny how you use your selective reading to use the banning of Jews having guns to claim it supports your point but you fail to mention how Hitler made it easier for others to obtain guns...
Now you said that Hitler made it more difficult for people to own guns and thats how he became a dictator... he actually made it more difficult for .75% of the popluation.... so for the other 99.25% he made it easier... tell me agina how this supports your argument?
Please show me where I said every man woman and child would kill a jew....
time starts ...................NOW!!
First of all, lets set you straight on a few things, there were more than 6 MILLION Jews killed in the holocaust, 3 Million Survived. That means there were more than 9 MILLION Jews that could have taken up arms, not 500,000. I suppose you are a holocaust denier.
Why do you think that the Jews would have to defeat every German man, woman, and child in order to end their persecution? Why else would you quote the ENTIRE GERMAN POPULATION?? In order to assume that, then you MUST also assume that each German would also fight against each Jew.
Get it?
ever wonder why horses need to be led to water?
First of all, lets set you straight on a few things, there were more than 6 MILLION Jews killed in the holocaust, 3 Million Survived. That means there were more than 9 MILLION Jews that could have taken up arms, not 500,000. I suppose you are a holocaust denier.
Why do you think that the Jews would have to defeat every German man, woman, and child in order to end their persecution? Why else would you quote the ENTIRE GERMAN POPULATION?? In order to assume that, then you MUST also assume that each German would also fight against each Jew.
Get it?
ever wonder why horses need to be led to water?
You do realize that Jews from all over Europe were rounded up? So, what is this about Germany? The war had not started yet, and already Austria, Checko-slav, and others were being purged of Jews. And Jews were pruged from the Urals westward by Stalin, as well. Churchill had his Dunkirk over the Jews in Warsaw.
Jews in the orient were hunted by Japan and handed over or dispatched.
So, I really don't know if you know if you have any point. How many Jews were killed is nothing to the total killed masses by Hitler, Stalin, and Tojo. And that is easily 6 million Jews that were part of the Final Solution. But, 50 million was the death toll of WW2....when they stopped counting.
Do you know how many WE executed for this? It isn't made up, if that's what you think. So, tell me how banning all weapon ownership in 1938 HELPED the Jews to end their persecution?
And who cares if you laugh, cry. puke, bruise yourself, or break you own fingers over this? Who cares about those words? Words don't matter if it is just your silly scorn.
Hitler was a war lord. The defeat in WW1 restricted firearms. No training was being done. He got civilian glider aviation, going. And he eased those draconian gun restrictions slightly for some but, denied an entire ethnic group any self protection, or legal protection. A Jew could be killed like a dog just for being the way. Just a dirty Jew, and the kids would hunt them with rocks. (HA Haaaa)
So, what is your point? I posted the law. It doesn't say what you and dumb-ass claim.
You said it didn't hinder them. How did it help?
can you please explain the population growth from the general consensus (including Jewish texts) that in 1933 there were 500,000 Jews in Germany.... and within 6 years they created a population growth so large that their numbers 9 million?
question: Were the only Jews killed by Hitler German Jews?
OK so next point... if you had bothered to read any of the debate that was going on you would've seen that other redneck who claimed taking away guns is what dictators do to gain control... his example was Germany..... it was pointed out with fact that this is not the case and that gun control was relaxed for Germans.... Hitler Im pretty sure was German
this dumb redneck at least knows Hitler was from Austria you FUCK!! put a helmet on ..lick the window n go read.
You do realize that Jews from all over Europe were rounded up? So, what is this about Germany? The war had not started yet, and already Austria, Checko-slav, and others were being purged of Jews. And Jews were pruged from the Urals westward by Stalin, as well. Churchill had his Dunkirk over the Jews in Warsaw.
Jews in the orient were hunted by Japan and handed over or dispatched.
So, I really don't know if you know if you have any point. How many Jews were killed is nothing to the total killed masses by Hitler, Stalin, and Tojo. And that is easily 6 million Jews that were part of the Final Solution. But, 50 million was the death toll of WW2....when they stopped counting.
Do you know how many WE executed for this? It isn't made up, if that's what you think. So, tell me how banning all weapon ownership in 1938 HELPED the Jews to end their persecution?
And who cares if you laugh, cry. puke, bruise yourself, or break you own fingers over this? Who cares about those words? Words don't matter if it is just your silly scorn.
Hitler was a war lord. The defeat in WW1 restricted firearms. No training was being done. He got civilian glider aviation, going. And he eased those draconian gun restrictions slightly for some but, denied an entire ethnic group any self protection, or legal protection. A Jew could be killed like a dog just for being the way. Just a dirty Jew, and the kids would hunt them with rocks. (HA Haaaa)
So, what is your point? I posted the law. It doesn't say what you and dumb-ass claim.
You said it didn't hinder them. How did it help?
Hitler Im pretty sure was German