I cant figure out whats wrong (pics)


Active Member
These plants are about 1 month old. They have been sitting outside all this time and i finally decided to bring them inside to grow under CFL's. This is my first grow so please be nice. I was looking at everyone else's plants and they all have a nice dark green color. Why are mine so yellow-green? Im feeding it miracle grow tomato plant food and its on a 18/6 light cycle. I water when the soil gets dry. Please help!



Well-Known Member
i have heard it's bad to go from only sunlight to cfls, most people start inside then go outside...but the yellow green could be not enough N whats the npk on your nute? what is the ph of your soil and what are your temps


Well-Known Member
just noticed the spots on the leaves, do you mist your leaves while in the sun or under cfls? if so this should only be done 15 to 20 minutes before the lights go out


Active Member
I dont know what he's talkin about with the misting, but those white spots on your leaves are spider mites buddy... i'm guessing you havent bought pestiside at all? Get neem oil 70% you can find it anywhere that has a gardening section. mix it like the bottle says and spray under the leaves, coat them good, then reapply every 7 days until bugs are gone. And just for future reference don't use miracle grow, find something organic, you dont want fertilizer with a bunch of chemicals like miracle grow. And baby plants only need a SMALL amount of nutrients, dont go overboard. when you transplant your pot change it to some other soil, for now take care of your pest problem before you worry about discoloration of leaves.


Active Member
i have heard it's bad to go from only sunlight to cfls, most people start inside then go outside...but the yellow green could be not enough N whats the npk on your nute? what is the ph of your soil and what are your temps
Taken straight off box:
Total Nitrogen(N).................18%
1.4% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
14.0% Urea Nitrogen
2.6% Nitrate Nitrogen

My temperature is between 74 and 83 degrees Fahrenheit


Well-Known Member
if you think it's spider mites, before telling him to go out and spend money, shouldn't you tell him to look on the underside of the leaves for little black dots, and to check the entire plant for tiny webs that indicates you have spider mites, then get all that stuff, but check before you buy stuff no reason to add pesticide if not necessary


Well-Known Member
Mites tend to congregate, web, etc. where the leave stems connect to the main stalk.


Well-Known Member
Not enough nitrogen and get a different nute system than miracle grow. A lot of people have problems with it.


Active Member
if you think it's spider mites, before telling him to go out and spend money, shouldn't you tell him to look on the underside of the leaves for little black dots, and to check the entire plant for tiny webs that indicates you have spider mites, then get all that stuff, but check before you buy stuff no reason to add pesticide if not necessary

Last time I checked pesticide was always necessary... wasn't it? Unless you have a PERFECTLY sealed indoor garden, AND you take a shower every time you go outside and come back in...

also I'm just wondering if you dont think those little white dots on the leaves aren't spidermites then what are they? isn't that some kind of pest causing that problem? I dont think there's a nute deficiency that looks like that but I could be wrong

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Last time I checked pesticide was always necessary... wasn't it? Unless you have a PERFECTLY sealed indoor garden, AND you take a shower every time you go outside and come back in...

also I'm just wondering if you dont think those little white dots on the leaves aren't spidermites then what are they? isn't that some kind of pest causing that problem? I dont think there's a nute deficiency that looks like that but I could be wrong

I have a nothing close to a perfectly closed room, i have 2 dogs a cat and a jungle for a back yard. I have not had anything as far as bugs. I don't think it'll really be an issue, except maybe fungus knats. But those are cured w/ no pest. needed.

The spots could be from the PH fluctuating. Who knows. Nice catch early with noticing them. The light yellow wouldn't really worry me at this point. Its growing nicely. But i would stop with the nutes. now!

Don't start them until flowering unless your plant tells you different. If you start watering with just water i bet that it will turn darker. :mrgreen:


Just look for the signs and listen to your baby, she'll tell you everything you need to know.



Active Member
it's hard to tell from just looking at pics, but it looks like you may have a thrip issue. i'm dealing with the same issue. they're hard to spot, but a good indicator is the spots. thrips make abrasions on the leaves creating the spots you see