Well-Known Member
Alright gadgie, i'll drop you a sms pal. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!
Fireballs x psycosis mmmmm, aye i wasn't sure of the origins was it Alien Fire Kush x ? Really tasty!ey up cowboy! aye the firbaws is lovely eh. hats off to genuity for that one. i just jizzed on a branch of psycho with the male fireballs from dst i reckon that will be a stonker.
sounds like you went to the brouwerij then. i love the place beer's incredible. Zatte anyone???
their ipa was fandabby too.
One of the 3 staff was a wanker and as i said it was re-booked after the booknig Co. binned them, but the clown was showing us a e-mail form the original booking and we didnt re-book online, it was by phone! So the prick held us basically saying if you's dont cough up what he said we were'nt getting in!so what happened with the hotel, no wonder that travel firm dropped them. sounds well dodge lad.