Designing a 15000sqft facility....please help


As well, everything has to be connected in Real Time to your website so that strains are made available and unavailable automatically. Patients need to be able to have access to your product and see their order history automatically. As well, you want to be able to watch and manage some of your operation remotely if you ever need to be absent. Were trying to make this state of the art.


lol....Snaps your funny. I assure you I don't. But again, Microsoft Office???? Sorry you might know how to grow, but your definitely lost in the operations/managerial aspect. No offence.


Well-Known Member
We use Excel and Access to maintain databases for Alberta Health Services....why would that be unacceptable to your small ass operation? No offense.


No "we" don't shaded. I am from Alberta my friend. Anyways, I would prefer a system that is tailored to Cannabis operations from seed to sale. If you don't see a benefit in that then that's your opinion and I respect that, but I definitely disagree.


As well, shaded, just fyi I currently work for the provincial government, and we not running the province on Microsoft Office...


Well-Known Member
Sorry. I thought this was about production. I'm not into over managing things. For starters you'll need an IT guy.

I get you need tracking and inventory but im saying there are cheaper ways imho. Never get locked into some big software contract if you can avoid it. I have a manufacturing background and I watched as400 software suck money out of the company while creating headaches for IT dept.


Well-Known Member
No "we" don't shaded. I am from Alberta my friend. Anyways, I would prefer a system that is tailored to Cannabis operations from seed to sale. If you don't see a benefit in that then that's your opinion and I respect that, but I definitely disagree.
I work at a Hospital in Alberta, for Alberta Health an IT technical analyst. Please do not pretend to know or not know what programs we do or do not use for databases.


I work at a Hospital in Alberta, for Alberta Health an IT technical analyst. Please do not pretend to know or not know what programs we do or do not use for databases.
SHaded, are you trying to convince me that Alberta Health Services does not have its own program that it uses to run our heathcare services??


Well-Known Member
SHaded, are you trying to convince me that Alberta Health Services does not have its own program that it uses to run our heathcare services??
No, what I am telling you is that AHS has over 2500 proprietary programs to run our healthcare services - some of which are built, and based off of Excel and Access databases.

Anyways, this is way off topic...GL with your grow facility


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, So this is my first time posting on rollitup so please be patient with my inexperience. So basically i'm designing a 15000 sqft mmj facility in Canada and I have a question about the veg and flowering rooms. Were planning to provide about 7 to 10 different strain of Cannabis. I am currently dealing with a mmj consultant and he has suggested that we have a 1200sqft room for each strain and use that room for both veg and flowering. His reasoning is that by doing this we will not need to move the plants around and therefore save a lot of work. I'd love to hear what you guys think. Thanks.
Veg and flower require different light cycles. How you going to do that when you have them in same room? My advise is to hire a better consultant.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
lol...there aren't' that many "top notch master growers" here red :)

and I doubt those that are would run a 500k room for free.

come to think of it...with all the headaches the op is talking about with paperwork and tracking and the other

100k$ doesn't sound like enough either. With a 100% profit sharing incentive yes.


Well-Known Member
I'm disappointed. No body has answered my question yet. what is the going rate for a top notch master gardener?
Skilled farmers make 50-60k a year, tops, unless they own the operation. Farm hands get minimum wage, less if you provide room and board. There are more pot growers than regular farmers. The skill is too common to pay much.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
How about they fire your lazy ass. Is that incentive?

lol....I like you red..You're kind of a me

you aren't afraid to say whats on your me

sometimes you are me

sometimes you are me

you are very jaded on many life me

although there are many things we don't agree crack me up

I think I could drink a beer with you man :)


Well-Known Member
Whenever I drink, I get arrested. Not sure why that is. So I quit drinking 30 years ago. Smoking doesn't have that effect on me. P.S. I may not always be right, but I'm never


Veg and flower require different light cycles. How you going to do that when you have them in same room? My advise is to hire a better consultant.
Well basically, he suggested that we have many isolated grow rooms. So you would veg one strain in that room and when its time for flowering, you convert that room into flowering mode. That way you do the veg to harvest without moving plants.