5x Dj short's Blueberries..Completely dedicated to our member 'eastcoastmo'


Well-Known Member
Oh lol, dude the auto clone wont grow much, it will already be into flowering before it roots. Worth a try though hey ;)
Sweet man, get that flower room setup so we can watch :-D
Yeah well..i have my doubts that it will even root.I'm not home most of the day and there is nobody there to mist it.I'll try my best but it might not survive.I'll be hearing from the stores i've talked to tomorrow.Man how hard is it to send 3 fans over? These people know how to lose customers.I'll be chopping the rest of the sleestack*skunk#1 probably this Wednesday.I gave her 3 weeks to bulk up everything that could be bulked up.I think she is done tho.Not much to give.I should probably water her less and add some ventilation..probably wasted electricity instead of taking buds.Nevermind that..lesson learned.She was too messed up to deal with it.I'm getting heavy growth on everything in the tent mate.This Ogre got a little burnt on it's top and i have trouble controlling it even after my LST.I'll be moving plants soon enough so it will get the space that it needs.I need some tips on how to use those ferts i got..Jack's classic 20-20-20 and Dyna gro Foliage pro 9-3-6.I think i need something to help them flower...I'll probably order online a Jack's blood food 10-30-20 and see where i can find the things i need to mix for my supersoil..Till then..have fun guyz !


Well-Known Member
Yeah it may not hey. Not really much point if it does either lol.
Good work on the sleestack skunk too, should be nice and ripe now :-D
As for your nutes mate, the jacks classic is equal parts nitrogen to potassium and phosphorus which isnt ideal. Higher nitrogen and phosphorus is ok in veg but higher potassium wont get taken up and it has also been linked to higher ratios of males if used in week 3 of veg (i'll have to find the reference). It will still work ok but may end up locking out other macronutrients at high levels of 1:1.
The foliage pro also contains kore nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium but in lower ratios which would help more. If you feel your plants need more nutes, id be giving more of this than the classic. You could even get away with just using the foliage pro.
I couldnt find info on the jacks blood food but the ratio it describes is pretty good for flowering. The higher phosphorus and potassium will work well to fatten them buds :-D


Well-Known Member
Yeah mate.I'll go 20-20-20 vegging,10-30-20 for flowering and i've already order some measuring spoons ..i'll go slow on them.See what they need and approach from there :) .I got my worm castings today..!! 7.3 ph on them and my soil is 6.6.I'll get some bat guano as well and some fish bone meal ? I want it to land near 10-30-20 as well and add anything if necessary.. :D


Well-Known Member
And my little sleestack*skunk#1..i've performed a 2nd harest..probably 20-25 more g .They smell differently.Not bad of course..just in another way ? I'm very surprised.It's a lot of pop corn and not really dense,but i'll try and see what i'll get .Also the buds were a little purplish on some areas.Low temps during the night and a constantly open window did the job.I was suprised as well :D.



Well-Known Member
Sweet as man, just keep an eye on the plants and it should be sweet.
As for the pics, it looks like a cal/mg deficiency. Do you have any cal/mg supplements you could feed them/it?


Well-Known Member
Sweet as man, just keep an eye on the plants and it should be sweet.
As for the pics, it looks like a cal/mg deficiency. Do you have any cal/mg supplements you could feed them/it?
Ah well.The dolomite lime i'm adding does provide Cal+Mag on a pretty decent rate.I'll go double the dose i've used last time.See what happens ..;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah sorry man forgot you were using the dolomite. It should do the trick, just make sure you pH it before adding as it will raise your pH ;)


Well-Known Member
Nopes :/. Got any quick idea on how to reduce ph ? i was thinking lemon juice but how healthy is it ? i won't have time to go today to get a ph down.


Well-Known Member
Got a few updates guyz.I've finally set up my flowering room and the plants were repotted in 14lt pots to finish.Added worm castings + dolomite lime to enrich the mix(i'll probably use more than that next time) and they seem to like it.My veg tent is a little less crowded and the small plants are getting much more light.The bluebies are finally shinning and i already got my mother.She has her own pic and she is alread a female :) .I'll top her for 4 colas and so will do with the rest.I'm still looking for a good male to save his pollen.Let me know what ya think guyz.They Green-Os are getting heavy as hell.Already 50-50 brown white and they take some nice icy cover..they do get icier when they are almost ready..!!Some fluffy buds of the lower part of my previous grow ( sleestack*skunk#1- sleeskunk..it probably gave near 70-72g with that harvest included) .



Well-Known Member
I've got some rockwool some fast rooting jiffies,clonex and root it cloning gels..Tomorrow the ladies will be topped and let's see what they'll give.Man i love indicas..They just ABSORB everything.Thumbs up for Blueberry..!!Pics will follow..;)