4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread


Well-Known Member
For you JimJim:

But the message is for everyone else! its on!!!! lol I was gonna pick one that said prepare your anus, because i'm preparing to rape the competition.


Well-Known Member
Decent looking plant B166ER420, glad to see your still around. I like what you did to her, I just don't think she really likes what you did to her.:shock:.:-|.but I like it :evil: bwahhahaha
Thanks man,..the hot soil at first stunted her good but I think it was a blessing in disguise as it has allowed a longer yet stunted veg time.I mean all my other solos will sex in about 3-4 weeks,this one took bout 40 days.I figure another week of stretch phase then it's on like donkey kong!

Btw...she likes it rough:)


Well-Known Member
I remember my first bud.
Then your definately not growing premium shit, I can't even remember my first name most days, usuallly people just call me "the dude" cause I never remembered to tell them my name.
Your first bud must have really sucked if you remember it. Some people are naturals, some people aren't, I'm still not quite sure where you fit in the picture but, this comp might shed some light.


Well-Known Member
Left for the weekend and had a drip set up with nutes coming off my hydro set up but I adjusted the head to far in and she didn't get any water from Friday until just now.. She still doesn't look to bad though! First place could be anyone's I guess :D

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Well-Known Member
I remember my first grow / bud and first smoke.. It was dank. Better weed is more memorable than shitty weed. My first plants were in my backyard under a rubber tree back in 1996. They were purple and stinky. They ended up being stolen right before harvest. My 2nd grow was known as missourri bomb shelter. It was breed on a bomb shelter that came from missourri. I knew the breeder. I grew it on my roof. They loved the beach air. It was lime green with gold hues. my first smoke was in 1993 with wash bud out of a double chamber bong. I was so high I was floating. I was coughing so hard my brother handed me a party cup filled with gold schlagger and told me to pound it. I did. Then I puked. I was only 14 then..

all the shitty pot. All blends together. Those I don't remember.


Well-Known Member
My first bud plant was grown in my moms veggie garden when i was 11!! Haha 16 years ago! First successfull however wouldnt happen till about 3 years later, not bad for a yound stoner that i was.

Father Ramirez

Well-Known Member
they are fine. slow down on the water is all. they have big fat leaves and that is good sign. do this put a drip tray under them add 1/8 inch water have 4 holes at bottom of cups. wait till they drink the water if they do in 4 hrs they want water if they dont then wait and test again tomorrow. now im assuming your RH is 50-65% and your temps are 70-80 degrees. before adding more. do this at day 3 after your last water. then they will tell you
Hyroot and many of you know what you're doing, but i'm here to learn, and that sounds like good advice. Will that work with a Smartpot, or will the fabric wick the water? I checked in to officially drop out, and found lots of pretty plants, and a walk down memory lane. My first girl grew to 10' tall, as big as a Christmas tree, and LOADED with buds. I arrived to harvest her about 10 minutes after a survey team discovered her. I hid silently as they whooped and hollered! Terrible feeling. I harvested a much smaller girl they hadn't found, so that took some of the hurt away.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Decided to drop the comp and transplant into bigger pots to see what these can really do!
Ill be back next year!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Decided to drop the comp and transplant into bigger pots to see what these can really do!
Ill be back next year!
Damn, another one bites the dust... I may not even have to do anything special, just stay the course and place in the top ten at this rate ;)


Well-Known Member
Damn, another one bites the dust... I may not even have to do anything special, just stay the course and place in the top ten at this rate ;)
You ain't kidding..............all we need is Sandy to get some PM and we're good to go........lol

Chroni has been quiet............he's up to something :)