Normal water Ph levels for outdoor growing?


Active Member
What is the normal water ph you need for a healthy plant ?

I have a clone and the PH of my filtered water has been tested at 7.2, I'm wondering what the optimum level would be.


Well-Known Member
it is something i never worry about out doors as you are relying on the rain to do most of the watering and you cant ph that...


Well-Known Member
You want the ph of your soil to be slightly acidic (6.3-6.8) so test that and then water accordingly. If your soil is 6.5 or below then 7ish water is great.


Well-Known Member
no ph down my soil always sits at about 7.2 and ive not had any problems that i know of caused by ph....however when it dropped to 6.5 my plant started having bad leaves so ph up and problem was gone