Schuylaar's Sesh - Florida's Bellwether..

Jolly won even with 5% voting for the L. Redneck, I see, is your code for white people. You hate them so much I figured you'd just break out the white people comment again like you did earlier.

You madam are a racist.

Among black poll respondents, 31 percent said blacks are more racist, while 24 percent think whites are more racist and 15 percent say Hispanic Americans show greater racist tendencies. Ten percent of white Americans say whites are more racist, 38 say blacks are and 17 percent say Hispanics.
Among black poll respondents, 31 percent said blacks are more racist, while 24 percent think whites are more racist and 15 percent say Hispanic Americans show greater racist tendencies. Ten percent of white Americans say whites are more racist, 38 say blacks are and 17 percent say Hispanics.
You are racist that straw polls doesn't change that fact.
tell me more about how success in farming is melanin dependent then.
The blacks didn't know how to farm on a vast scale or how to repair the equipment and threw out or killed the people that did. That was a stupid thing to do by anyone's standard.

But this isn't about me it is about the loss of the D's and Sky. Nice try though.
The blacks didn't know how to farm on a vast scale or how to repair the equipment and threw out or killed the people that did. That was a stupid thing to do by anyone's standard.

But this isn't about me it is about the loss of the D's and Sky. Nice try though.
Dem Blacks should of been happy working for the white farmers who stole their land
You should check history and see that they went from being the bread basket to the bread line. Shame you have blinders on and can't see the facts of famine.

is that like a new code word for something? you are the 4th racist person on this board to use it this week..or just general christian guilting?
The blacks didn't know how to farm on a vast scale or how to repair the equipment and threw out or killed the people that did. That was a stupid thing to do by anyone's standard.

But this isn't about me it is about the loss of the D's and Sky. Nice try though.

Yes please tell us more about how you're not racist. You've got a firm foundation to go off of.

ZOMFG!!!!! bucky you are right..WW capitalizes the "w" in white but not the "b" in black..holy shit!!

Oh she's actually not a racist. Just a right wing intellectual.