Gravel as medium


New Member
Gravel is an excellent medium with the only problem being heavy
we used it back in the days when hydro was little known it was also used commercially as well
It rocks with flood and drain


Well-Known Member
Would it not depend on the type? Would limestone (thats all we get here) gravel not effect PH? If not I would probably give it a try just for the throw away when done factor :).


Well-Known Member
Would it not depend on the type? Would limestone (thats all we get here) gravel not effect PH? If not I would probably give it a try just for the throw away when done factor :).
Limestone would wreck ph for sure. Depends on type of rock. Sterilize it for sure. I'll stick with hydroton.


Well-Known Member
If you go with gravel, do a quick test by putting the gravel in a clear glass and pouring in some vinegar. If the gravel forms bubbles on its surfaces, I wouldn't use it for hydroponics.


New Member
Gravel was always used because it worked great the irregular surfaces etc
but most importantly it is cheap granite pea gravel lava rock etc all good


Well-Known Member
I bought a huge bag of hydroton 2 years ago and still have loads left. I reuse it and just rinse in a pail with screen in bottom. So cost is not an issue for me, or others I would think, as well.


Well-Known Member
ive never understood why people need to improvise growing medium, picking up some soil, or hydroton, or any growing media thats proven to work is litteraly dirt cheap