PIcs of my first resevoir set up


Active Member
First set up. 6 refelctors with y connectors and 2 cfl's 26w (1750 luminens each) in each reflector. Total of 12 lgihts altogether. 18/6 light cycle. nutes in water with bubble stone and pump. i know i need to put black around base of container. Will do. Just wanted to see if this looks right. I have 6 clones that have all rooted and seem to be doing nicely.
Also have a fan above lights as well.

Any suggestions, advice will be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Well I am a little confused by the third picture?

Are the tupperware containers that are being used as net pots sitting submerged?


Active Member
Yes they are. I have drain holes in the bottom and holes in the sides for the roots to be able to grow thru. Are they not suppose to be down in the water?


Active Member
Okay, well I just planted this system this afternoon, The soil minture is fresh and the resv. water is distilled, so I don't know how it could be contaminated....?


Well-Known Member
Yes they are. I have drain holes in the bottom and holes in the sides for the roots to be able to grow thru. Are they not suppose to be down in the water?
No they are supposed to hang about 1 inch above the water, and the roots grow through the holes into air, then into water.


Active Member
Okay, Well, i will have to move them up some in the morning. Hopefully I haven't messed anything up already. I feel like i am having to change stuff every day. Now, these are newly rooted plants, like not 2 weeks rooted. Still leave them above water and jsut have several airstones,right?