Hey Stow, glad to help.
I thought of the idea myself, and then found that there were also
sacks being sold online intended for this purpose....but, even as I
initially considered it, it does not seem to me that these will produce
enough CO2 to affect my environment.
You know, I never considered whether a number of them, used together
in a sealed environment, might be able to beat a set of plants at the
CO2 vs O2 game.
I vent to waste, as it were, and filter with carbon, drawing fresh air all the time.
I will totally support the adding spawn to soils idea. This thing is a lot of fun. :0)
I have gotten fruits of about 6-8 species in the pots of various
fruits and vegetables.
I have read that the garden giants, the King Stropharia, is a very good
species to assist growing plants. (Stropharia rugoso-annulata)
Speaking of spawn:
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I am going to test some small spawn sack. I might try selling these
at the local farmers market. Well, the tigrinus is an experiment.
I have heard that it is delicious, if a tad delicate.
I will make some Pioppinos and a few others too.