Tap water is 250ppm, ph 7.0. Is this going to be a problem?


Well-Known Member
So my tap water reads 230-250ppm, ph 7.0

I always check the ppm and ph when I feed my plants. Right now in very early veg they are getting 400ppm ph'ed to 5.8.

I keep reading that 230-250ppm is too high, however I know a ton of people in my area who use it and don't have issues. From the research I've done I feel like it's actually some of the best tapwater in the country.

I keep an air stone in a 20 gallon rez to help evaporated the chlorine and oxygenate the water(I hand water/use hempy buckets).

SO I know RO water is ideal, and eventually I plan on buying a machine, but whats the real deal with tap water and ppm?

What do you consider too high? Does anyone have experience with tap water giving them problems? I've seen a couple people mention that you shouldn't even drink water at 250ppm! That's what led me to make this post.

Any help/advice is greatly appreciated!

"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion." Abe Lincoln

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Best tap water in the country and they're still using chlorine. Ok.

You've said all that needs to be said. Tons of people use it without issue.

My tap water was between 200-250 ppm, with a ph of around 8.5. My plants did just great. Didn't even bother checking ph and ec in my DWC buckets.

"too high" is very much dependent on the plant in question. Some are very finicky, others you can feed and feed and feed and feed.
That's some hard water. Mines 130-140 7.1-7.2. The airstone is overkill. I too thought adding o2 to water would be beneficial but it's not. For now letting the water set out atleast 24hrs to evap the chlorine, but chloramine won't evaporate off, hence another benefit of distilled/ro. If your concerned any further you can distill your own water If your strapped for cash, double boiler and a upside down lid will do the trick.
That sounds like pretty good tap water. As long as you let it sit for 24 hours, the chlorine will dissipate into the atmosphere, aerating the water is even better. Just make certain that you do it for at least 24 hours. I don't know what the rest of the ppm's are made up of, but generally speaking, 250 ppm is pretty solid.

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
If you can afford it go with a r/o system. Or if you have a humidifier use the water from there. I use water from both because I grow in dwc and coco.


Well-Known Member
Do you mean water from a dehumidfier? I actually have one running in the room the tents are in but I don't collect the water in the bucket, I have a peice of hose that directs it to a drain in the ground.

I think it collects roughly 70liters/day so this is a very interesting idea!

I'm not straped for cash per se, but if I can get away with using tap water for my first harvet I'm gonna do that. Or if I can use the water from my dehumidifier, maybe I can just dilute my tap water with that if I can't get enough to feed my plants just from the dehumid water.

I always let my water sit out overnight with an airstone in there for good measure.

Thanks guys really appreciate you clearing that up for me. There's alot of conflicting info. Everything from, "I water my plants with puddle water and never check ph" to "RO or your fucked"

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
Do you mean water from a dehumidfier? I actually have one running in the room the tents are in but I don't collect the water in the bucket, I have a peice of hose that directs it to a drain in the ground.

I think it collects roughly 70liters/day so this is a very interesting idea!

I'm not straped for cash per se, but if I can get away with using tap water for my first harvet I'm gonna do that. Or if I can use the water from my dehumidifier, maybe I can just dilute my tap water with that if I can't get enough to feed my plants just from the dehumid water.

I always let my water sit out overnight with an airstone in there for good measure.

Thanks guys really appreciate you clearing that up for me. There's alot of conflicting info. Everything from, "I water my plants with puddle water and never check ph" to "RO or your fucked"
yes water from your dehumidifier. I have mine draining into a bucket. Ppm's around 5-10