I'm shocked on how hard it is to find a doctor which is open to the idea that Medical Marijuana is great for treating people with a disease, medical condition, or its treatment that is chronic, debilitating and produces severe, persistent, and one or more of the following intractable symptoms: cachexia or wasting syndrome, severe pain or nausea or seizures..
What really shocks me is how the doctors refuse to fill out the state form in fear that the state will come down on their practice.. Great example, I have MS and it took me almost a year to find a doctor which would fill out the form. But there is the kicker, I know a lady with HIV which I give my overages to when I crop over my allowable limit.
She fully qualifies for the MMJ card, but her doctor at the CDC (Center for Disease Control) refuses to fill out the form. So I referred her to the doctor which signed my form for the MMJ card. She said he that he will not fill out the MMJ form because the government crawled up his ass and harassed his practice claiming that he was issuing the MMJ card to anyone which walked in the door.. No charges were filled because he was within the law on every patient, but the fact is they scarred him so bad he no longer wishes to fill out the MMJ form for the patients which are truly in need..
Who the fuck are the police when they no longer protect and serve the public??
Another great example, I was pulled over one day (for speeding), when the cop (fucking PIG) was talking to me, he said he smelled marijuana, so I told him I have a MMJ card and showed it to him. Well he pulled me out of the car, gave me a sobriety which I passed with flying colors despite my MS. Then this fucking PIG said he wanted to search my car.. WTF??
Knowing I was legal and only had an ounce on me in my lock-box which is bolted down in the center console, I said sure, go ahead.. This fucking PIG asks what is in the locked box, (like duh, if you knew the law), so I told him, he asked me to open it, so I did and showed him He then confiscated my medicine!!! Really, WTF?? When I got home (with a speeding ticket) I was COMPLETELY PISSED OFF, so I was going to file a complaint, after researching the (amended) law, he had every right to confiscate my medicine, even though I followed the law and he could not arrest me!!
Come on, really???
Why can't they just buy or grow their own???
The Vermont Medical Marijuana Law is completely fucked up!!
Like no having no dispensaries..
So let me get this straight, I need this type of medicine, but I have to go to an illegal source to get it?? I have to put my life in danger to get my medicine??
They need to get their head out of their ass, if they consider it medicine, then they need to have dispensaries so I do not have to go to a drug dealer to get my medicine.. What does a fucking drug dealer look like?? Then I cannot be arrested for the marijuana, but I can be arrested for loitering in a known drug area
Again WTF??
Are you fucking kidding me??
What really shocks me is how the doctors refuse to fill out the state form in fear that the state will come down on their practice.. Great example, I have MS and it took me almost a year to find a doctor which would fill out the form. But there is the kicker, I know a lady with HIV which I give my overages to when I crop over my allowable limit.
She fully qualifies for the MMJ card, but her doctor at the CDC (Center for Disease Control) refuses to fill out the form. So I referred her to the doctor which signed my form for the MMJ card. She said he that he will not fill out the MMJ form because the government crawled up his ass and harassed his practice claiming that he was issuing the MMJ card to anyone which walked in the door.. No charges were filled because he was within the law on every patient, but the fact is they scarred him so bad he no longer wishes to fill out the MMJ form for the patients which are truly in need..
Who the fuck are the police when they no longer protect and serve the public??
Another great example, I was pulled over one day (for speeding), when the cop (fucking PIG) was talking to me, he said he smelled marijuana, so I told him I have a MMJ card and showed it to him. Well he pulled me out of the car, gave me a sobriety which I passed with flying colors despite my MS. Then this fucking PIG said he wanted to search my car.. WTF??
Knowing I was legal and only had an ounce on me in my lock-box which is bolted down in the center console, I said sure, go ahead.. This fucking PIG asks what is in the locked box, (like duh, if you knew the law), so I told him, he asked me to open it, so I did and showed him He then confiscated my medicine!!! Really, WTF?? When I got home (with a speeding ticket) I was COMPLETELY PISSED OFF, so I was going to file a complaint, after researching the (amended) law, he had every right to confiscate my medicine, even though I followed the law and he could not arrest me!!
Come on, really???
Why can't they just buy or grow their own???

The Vermont Medical Marijuana Law is completely fucked up!!
Like no having no dispensaries..
So let me get this straight, I need this type of medicine, but I have to go to an illegal source to get it?? I have to put my life in danger to get my medicine??
They need to get their head out of their ass, if they consider it medicine, then they need to have dispensaries so I do not have to go to a drug dealer to get my medicine.. What does a fucking drug dealer look like?? Then I cannot be arrested for the marijuana, but I can be arrested for loitering in a known drug area
Again WTF??
Are you fucking kidding me??