legal marjuana


Well-Known Member
alright so i have been lookin at the legal marjane and i hav a couple questions. I ovisly know that it doesnt get you fucked up but.... does it at least giv u a bodyhigh? I need somone that has bought this stuff to speak and tell me if it actaully looks like buds and how the results are.


Well-Known Member
alright so i have been lookin at the legal marjane and i hav a couple questions. I ovisly know that it doesnt get you fucked up but.... does it at least giv u a bodyhigh? I need somone that has bought this stuff to speak and tell me if it actaully looks like buds and how the results are.
It looks like weed.

It smells like mexican shit weed.

It doesn't do anything to your body, but make you wish you had your money back.


Active Member
ya i know a guy whose tried it and he says it does absolutely nothing, just a waste of money


Active Member
i bought a plant called lions tail and you can smoke the flowers and leaves. it gives you a 10 minute gentle body stone. its nice to mix it with the real stuff to create a fat blunt if you don't want to use tobbaco.


Well-Known Member
cannabis culture just did a big write up on 'fake/simulated' weed/legal buds.. they tried like all the major companies out there and had nothing good to say about it.. its harsh, hurts your lungs, gives a headache instead of buzz etc.. i tired some back when i was a kid and it sucked...


Well-Known Member
ive tried a couple things out there. my old high school drug tested so these things were really popular. theres one called xxx chillin thats kinda hard to find that i tried. its harsh but its pretty strong. i took like 5 or 6 hits and got pretty body stoned off of it.

Entheogenic Shaman

Active Member
There are other herbs that you can get a buzz from, lions tail, wild dagga, salvia, wormwood extract etc. I would advise anyone wanting to try these other herbs to do your homework on what kinds of effects to expect and how long they last. I personally like salvia, but it can be a very heavy psychadelic experience. If you are going to use this tuff read read read.


Well-Known Member
if its legal its not marijuana
That's correct.

That fake bud looks like Bigfoot wiped his ass with it 1st,i wouldnt smoke it,if somebody is that damm desperate fuk the stupid fake bud,go get a pack of Lucky Strike Ciggerettes & smoke a few of them bad hombres,you'll see shit.


Well-Known Member
Just totally STOP think'n about it, total rip-off... absolutely no reason to even remotely consider spending money, that could get you on towards a rewarding grow with fantastic real buds, for you and your friends to enjoy..


Well-Known Member
jollygreengiant......the only thing is...i have to tottaly quit smoking weed. i get test everyother week. So if i could at least get a nice body high and it actually tasting like weed and looking like weed...its better then not smoking at all


Well-Known Member
well that sucks...why do you have to quit if you dont mind me asking. probation or something? or quitting for good.

if it was just for a couple months or something id save my money and have one hell of a welcome back blowdown but thats just me.

personally ive never tried the fake weed, im just telling you what ive heard about it so do what you do hazemaster and good luck.:peace:


New Member
never tried it, won't unless i'm trying to sell it and rip someone off

which if somebody has ordered them and has them now, you could try to sell them, my suggestion not to anyone older / stronger than you or experienced with weed at all


Well-Known Member
Since it doesn't have THC in it, it probably does very little or nothing at all. Just save your money for real weed when you get off probation.