Club 600


Well-Known Member
Wifey is telling me that I might be off the hook for the hour glass. I guess someone has a small one to loan and we're trying to find out how small it is. Need to be able to see it from the audience.

We already made the signs that are in the haunted forest, the heart for the tin man, the scrolls and the medal for courage.


Well-Known Member
Dude.... Mason jars!!! use twine to connect and use a lid in the middle with holes poked in it so the sand doesn't go all at once.



Well-Known Member
Mason jars is a great idea IMO. I mentioned it to her but she thought they didn't choke down enough. I think the ones in the pic look great personally.


Well-Known Member
I just got back from the dispensary and have some green to help pass the time this St. Patrick's day:

pre-rolls: 1@ OG Kush, 1@ mix of buds, 1@ Blueberry Blast (just now sparked the "all buds" harpoon while typing this :bigjoint: :eyesmoke: )
1/4 of Trainwreck
1/4 of Blue Dream

And did a "fender-delete" on the rear wheel fender of the scooter before going to the dispensary:

original fender...

Chop, saw, file...

And then mounted the license plate higher up by bolting it from the bottom instead of the top of it so it will tuck in under the rear body panels & tail light...

Some final work to be done with some emery cloth and it will look like factory...



Well-Known Member
i have a cherry pie in veg and everytime i top her she gets bushier and bushier… wants to do a separate flower w/ her in just pots

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Damn Mensa, that sucks. My patient helps me trim. We smoke and trim all day to music.

If I was on the West Coast I would totally help you out. Time to make some solid friends girl!


Well-Known Member
at least they're polite......

'Unfortunately you were not at home and have no cannabis left': Police leave unusual calling card at house they targeted in drugs raid
•Manchester police officers left note during raid at house in Worsley, Salford
•Officers kicked down door of property before finding 72 cannabis plants
•Note saying 'unfortunately you were not at home' left after raid
•Altered to read 'and have no cannabis left' with request to contact police

By Daily Mail Reporter

PUBLISHED: 04:53 EST, 17 March 2014 | UPDATED: 06:44 EST, 17 March 2014

When the police come knocking at a suspected drug den, you wouldn't necessarily expect them to leave a polite calling card.

But that is exactly what happened when officers left a light-hearted note informing the occupant of a property they had raided that they had 'no cannabis left' after 72 plants were discovered.

Officers from Greater Manchester Police kicked down the door of the house in Worsley, Salford, during the raid, but found nobody was in the property.

They then altered a printed note saying 'unfortunately you were not at home', to leave the polite message.

A photo of the note was then posted on the GMP Salford West Twitter feed along with the message: 'We’ve kicked in a door in Worsley, got 72 cannabis plants, nobody home. Left a note. GMP, keeping you in the loop.'

The tweet proved popular among Twitter users who had by this morning re-tweeted it 759 times.

The force, including GMP Salford West, has an active social media presence, but it has not always been as well-received as yesterday's post.

Last month, an officer behind the feed got into hot water by advising people being ‘harassed’ on Facebook to close their accounts.

It caused a storm among some tweeters, who said it appeared to blame victims for bullying and harassment.

The tweet was later deleted and an apology - which said that ‘bullying and harassment is, of course, serious’ - was posted.

Officers who control the feed were spoken to by GMP bosses about their use of social media following the mishap.

Another controversial tweet on the feed, posted in January, said: 'Do you live in Little Hulton or Walkden? Hate the Police? Want to brag & rub our noses in it? RT (retweet) if you have drugs & haven’t been caught.' It was retweeted around 500 times.

hard at work on the issues that matter as per fucking usual....
laughable in the wrong way.....


Well-Known Member
I'm sick, and the plants are about the same. I am just waiting for the right time to throw them out.
:-) Whats the plan sam? You said you wanted to pop beans. That is always fun. I think I got 4 clones though if your into it. Its three DP and one ED. OH! and an MK ultra... so five I got. and they are smaller.

MO: That Jesus og looks so purty. :-) Just like your whole garden man.


Well-Known Member
I agree G. No plan at the mo. First order of business is getting well. You guys sure are nice. :)

Lol.... love the title of the thread at the bottom of the page "How dark is 'dark' during the 'night time'?" That's deep right there. i mean really how dark is dark?

EDIT: HAHAHAHA... heard some borderline racist shit on a porno from the 90's yesterday. I thought there may be a naked fight right there. That would be some funny shit... you know it's happened a couple times like.... HEY BRO.... THAT"S THE WRONG HOLE!!!! and shit starts getting wild quick. Now I got this crazy scene in my head.

Your welcome for sharing. :)