Total Noob using teas and I am a believer


Well-Known Member
Nice giraffe mask. I'd prefer a batman each his own.

I've been using SSTs this run (almost every other watering), and have gotten fade in 6-7 weeks. This would have to be the reason, as my soil and top dressing is cooked...cocked...and loaded.

Maybe just water and molasses as a mild catalyst?


Well-Known Member
ARGH that point when the plant is really starting to stink and the carbon filter fan combo you order is still 20 days from delivery!

Lots of candles and crock pot meals I suppose :)


Well-Known Member
Haha right. Man I just harvested and my house stinks like crazy. I need a dry tent now because I go to bed dreaming about cannabis, prob from the fumes lol take it easy guys and love reading this shit you guys are awesome.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Luckily my neighbors stink more than I do. Its actually pretty funny considering.....
Nothing like choosing the right neighborhood ;)

Haha right. Man I just harvested and my house stinks like crazy. I need a dry tent now because I go to bed dreaming about cannabis, prob from the fumes lol take it easy guys and love reading this shit you guys are awesome.
I have had those for years. In dry times I dream of losing whole kilos and wake up in cold sweats. Or I dream of finding them and then wake up all disappointed. When I DO have a lot of herb I just dream of calyx formations. Trichomes. Etc. Like these huge colourful mandalas made of weed :)

Not all the time of course but I like it when it does happen. Herb is awesome!

Holy shit Hamish. That looks insane. I am beyond blown away. Great work. Huge colas. :joint: Just absolutely amazing.
Thanks Mate :) Yeah there are some pretty badass colas particularly on the Afghan Haze x PCK. I think I might have at least 4 one ounce buds. Must say it was a rough season, lots of losses. Happy to be back indoors. Expanding and going stealth...

Mad Hamish, you're killin it bro!!! Beautiful girls!
Thanks Bro! It is all Gage Green and Bodhi genetics. Must give credit where credit is due.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Yeah that is for sure StOw :) That and bio-carbon. Or bio-char as you guys know it. Stuff kicks ass. Only thing is, if you are into total perfection like me, it is a headf**k dealing with outdoor grows at times. Grasshoppers, mice, budworm, cutworm, mites, all were on the attack this year. Only the mice managed real damage though. But yes, outdoor for pure size, indoor for absolute perfection...

Anyhow, some more pics, this is an Oldschool Afghan Haze x Paki Chitral Kush in a 2.5 gal pot. It is supported by sandbags at the bottom, the plant in the pot on it's own has zero chance of standing on it's own lol... Looks all floppy, had to remove the ground stakes to move her for the pic. It was impossible to move any of the bigger ones.

The bud is really pretty. Excuse the dandelion that drifted on

This is the Super Blue Dream x (Mendo Queen x Paki Chitral Kush). She has to go another week at least and I can mover her out the rain easily, so she is still standing

Ran out of camera batteries, I will get the pics off my phone and strip metadata tomorrow or so so I can show off the real princess, the Lemon Thai x Freedom Baby. Absolutely phenomenal.

You guys are sick of seeing my Beavers. I won't flash you with them. YET. Once dry you need to see those buds. Holy Balls. Magnificent.


Well-Known Member
Very nice. :clap: I use to grow outdoors all the time. I still do during summer months. Last summer was awful because of all the rain causing PM! :mrgreen: While my Dad was living he made this strain Hubba Bubba Bomb. These where grew outdoors by a friend in Australia, said he didn't have any issues with them other then the Kangaroo's messing with them.. lol View attachment 3028585
Yeah that is for sure StOw :) That and bio-carbon. Or bio-char as you guys know it. Stuff kicks ass. Only thing is, if you are into total perfection like me, it is a headf**k dealing with outdoor grows at times. Grasshoppers, mice, budworm, cutworm, mites, all were on the attack this year. Only the mice managed real damage though. But yes, outdoor for pure size, indoor for absolute perfection...

Anyhow, some more pics, this is an Oldschool Afghan Haze x Paki Chitral Kush in a 2.5 gal pot. It is supported by sandbags at the bottom, the plant in the pot on it's own has zero chance of standing on it's own lol... Looks all floppy, had to remove the ground stakes to move her for the pic. It was impossible to move any of the bigger ones.

The bud is really pretty. Excuse the dandelion that drifted on

This is the Super Blue Dream x (Mendo Queen x Paki Chitral Kush). She has to go another week at least and I can mover her out the rain easily, so she is still standing

Ran out of camera batteries, I will get the pics off my phone and strip metadata tomorrow or so so I can show off the real princess, the Lemon Thai x Freedom Baby. Absolutely phenomenal.

You guys are sick of seeing my Beavers. I won't flash you with them. YET. Once dry you need to see those buds. Holy Balls. Magnificent.


Well-Known Member
I'll be searching for a guerrilla spot this spring. Not going to be easy at all with all the animals, bugs, and rain. Don't know how the outdoor guys do it. Going to be a ton of reading up. Weather here is out of control.

Stow...I didn't know Meeshigan snobs have a sense of humur. Did you see my recent beaver comment on B thread?

Hammy...You're probably busy trimming kilos right now, but I would LOVE to try that PCK cross. Think I can smell it all the way here.


Well-Known Member
I'll be searching for a guerrilla spot this spring. Not going to be easy at all with all the animals, bugs, and rain. Don't know how the outdoor guys do it. Going to be a ton of reading up. Weather here is out of control.

Stow...I didn't know Meeshigan snobs have a sense of humur. Did you see my recent beaver comment on B thread?

Hammy...You're probably busy trimming kilos right now, but I would LOVE to try that PCK cross. Think I can smell it all the way here.
The flaming pie one? Yes, I lol'ed.:mrgreen:

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
The flaming pie one? Yes, I lol'ed.:mrgreen:
Damn I need to go back and look. I am literally just skimming the 5 latest posts in a few threads not much time for RIU... Actually Red, not busy with the trim yet. Particularly the Afghan Haze x PCK will need a dry trim to be nice and neat. The LT x FB also has these spiky calyxes and rough leaves folded back over it so dry trim essential.

Actually been spending my time researching medibles for a friend and her mom. Going to go the tincture route with them I think, most easy to dose out in accurate measures. Also going to do some cold extracts with zero decarbing for her mom. Non-psychoactive, only terpenes and CBD doing their thing. I learned a lot in just one day.

You guys should have a look at this lady's work.

Probably a celebrity out by you guys. Never heard of her myself. The girl knows her extractions. All edible too. Kickass.