Random Jibber Jabber Thread

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Used to be so active that multiple threads moved too fast to keep up with. Now it seems an effort to reduce traffic.
I was just saying the other night how there is no traffic on here@ night anymore.

It used to be there were like twenty of us in tnt blowing up threads every night. Now...there are like three


Well-Known Member
Ok I'm going to touch on everything here:
sighs.....Ok you win. because you are an attention whore and all you do is post look@ me pics.

Lmfao you must be dumb a.f. I'm the type of person who says if they don't care what your opinion is then I truly don't care I'm not superficial or insecure I don't post "look at me pics" I have a fucking mirror I don't care to be rated or critiqued.
And you're fucking right I mentioned it not go on about it how I've been dating my bf and didn't jump into bed with him instantly wtf for what's the rush I take time to know people let alone I'm not interested in getting an std like oh say a great fraction of those with loose legs btw when did I laugh about it?

you go on and on about how many months you make your boyfriend wait for sex...and laugh about it. and then come on here and post half naked pics of yourself enjoy :-)

All you do is say how beautiful you are...yada yada.

Yea that's a fucking lie

my god some of the stuff you have posted have made me wanna puke. you really arent' that good looking. I'm not saying you are ugly....just ugly on the inside that's all.

When you come at me come correct because right now you're talking out your shitty ass

You do have issues there is no doubt but most of us do. This in itself isn't damning.
it's how you carry yourself around here. THat's the problem.

there are other things that you have posted and i'm just too high and tired to look them up, nor do I care quite frankly.

oh and just so you know there smaher, I am not the only one with this opinion around here. I'm just the only one who is big enough of an asshole to say it

so now that you just had to come back and post your last jab like a child.....sleep tight tbh you and HWT seem to be the only ones acting cunty as I said before I'm chill person and you just seem to be looking to start shit well as much as you may think you know what type of person I am you're dead wrong


Well-Known Member
I was just saying the other night how there is no traffic on here@ night anymore.

It used to be there were like twenty of us in tnt blowing up threads every night. Now...there are like three
If I had started RIU this year, I would have lasted about three days before bailing out of boredom (no offense).


Well-Known Member
Darlings I like to share I'm a mellow person that was my first shoot in two years and I thought that shot came out pretty good I love sharing with people that's just me if you don't like it that sounds like a YOU problem I'm not posting for attention like seriously I have fb, mm, omp, and other sites that are actually beneficial to pursuing a "modeling" career idk if anyone has gotten gigs from riu if they have cool but I'm just here to share and talk to chill people


Well-Known Member
Darlings I like to share I'm a mellow person that was my first shoot in two years and I thought that shot came out pretty good I love sharing with people that's just me if you don't like it that sounds like a YOU problem I'm not posting for attention like seriously I have fb, mm, omp, and other sites that are actually beneficial to pursuing a "modeling" career idk if anyone has gotten gigs from riu if they have cool but I'm just here to share and talk to chill people
I don't mind the pics. Post away...


Well-Known Member
It's Wednesday...It still gets bumping sometimes on weekends. And still, you need the right mix of folks to blast T&T to the top every 3 seconds.

That being said...we can do it......


Well-Known Member
no offence smaher but everytime you come on here it ends up in a giant argument, last time i think you got into it with minnie ?
Are any of these arguments started on my side? I don't go online to argue with people I have a mother in the advanced stage of m.s. Does that really sound like I'd be looking for more stress or drama in my life


Staff member
Are any of these arguments started on my side? I don't go online to argue with people I have a mother in the advanced stage of m.s. Does that really sound like I'd be looking for more stress or drama in my life
i deleted my post, but i just mean like everytime ive seen you on here , its been like quite the entertaining read, but it takes up a lot of my time, sometimes the igore user function is best left to do its job ya know?
sorry to hear about your mom,


Well-Known Member
i deleted my post, but i just mean like everytime ive seen you on here , its been like quite the entertaining read, but it takes up a lot of my time, sometimes the igore user function is best left to do its job ya know?
sorry to hear about your mom, no need to Guilt trip me with it though
I didn't know there was an ignore user option

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
If I outlast the like drought, can I consider myself a RiU veteran?
for a guy that has been here but a couple months...you're one cool cat ubr. i'd consider you a vet already. but I have it on good authority that if we weather the like strike we all get a raise :)
lol...nice one :)
it's everything you wrote with replies
I know what it is. and i'm not going to bother picking out your replies from my text when you couldn't even bother to highlight them..much less multiquote. I probably wouldn't multiqoute that long of a post either but at least highlight or break it up somehow..if you really want a response.

simple stuff really.
It's Wednesday...It still gets bumping sometimes on weekends. And still, you need the right mix of folks to blast T&T to the top every 3 seconds.

That being said...we can do it......

I love you meta. I don't know if the mojo is here anymore though. I mean doc was a driving force for our thread explosions, and he always brought such a good positive vibe.

course we do have some good new troops though like ubr, singlemalt, char, gonzo..there are a few. But no regulars...cept ubr.

and clayton is never on anymore either...hard to go without him


Staff member
Like I'm not going to go out of my way to attack anyone but I will reply
i know but thats half the problem because than THEY need to reply, than YOU need to reply, than you and who ruin the entire thread of the rest of us