How long can I keep clones in my little cabinet?


Well-Known Member
Ive never cloned before but plan on it this grow so I can pick out the good phenos of Pennywise. I plan on taking my clones right before flower and am wondering if I can keep them in my cabinet under cfls for 7 to 8 weeks. They would probably have to be in solo cups. I know its a stretch to do this but ive only got the one grow space so id have to wait till harvest to get the clones in there. I might revamp my cabinet and ditch the top shelf so I have some more room.



Well-Known Member
How many cuttings do you intend on storing in this narrow cabinet?.

As you mentioned, I'd remove top shelf b/c the cabinet already limits you to somewhat of a vertical grow. If you top or prune, plant width will become an instant problem.


Well-Known Member
i know its small. It works great for germinating and the first couple weeks of growth. Maybe I should think about getting a bigger cabinet if im going to clone.


Active Member
Solo cups work great! You can let them go their whole cycle in one if you really want.

Do you have to put it in a cabinet because of stealth?


Well-Known Member
i know its small. It works great for germinating and the first couple weeks of growth. Maybe I should think about getting a bigger cabinet if im going to clone.
Why not make your own?, pre-fabricated cabinets intended for wall mounting are generally not deep enough for growing purposes.


Well-Known Member
You can keep them stunted in your cabinet for almost as long as you need...keep them in veg, transplant into larger containers when you want to flower them out.
Before you flower then, simply take some more clones...easy! If your girls get too big for your cabinet, trim them back, no worries!
Good Luck with your grow(s)


Well-Known Member
This cabinet was just intended for germination but I thought since I had it I'd try it for cloning. I use the cabinet because it's easier to control temps and RH.