your thoughts on today's court case(federal)


Well-Known Member
Ya if John loses which I highly doubt he will we all should as patients show up at our local RCMP detachment. Show these asshole hitler government that we are not scAred of them and there dictatorship bull shit.

Doc Weedlaw

R v Hitzig 2003*a civil court*ruling was almost two years later and that Judge struck up a dead "Invalid' never*repealed Law.*There has never been a viable constitutional medical exemption for Terry Parker, who the programme was ordered to protect. Terry Parker has never been able to obtain an exemption.


“[122] I conclude that there is little rational connection between the restriction to dried marihuana and the legitimate objective of preventing diversion of lawful medical marihuana into the illegal market.


[123] I conclude that the restriction to dried marihuana unnecessarily, and therefore to an unreasonable degree, impairs the security right to choose how to ingest the medicinal ingredients in the safest and most effective manner. Given these two findings under the second stage of the s. 1 analysis, I also find that it intrudes disproportionately on the constitutionally protected rights.


[124] Therefore, the dried marihuana restriction’s infringement of s. 7 rights to liberty and security of the person is not saved by s. 1.”

Doc Weedlaw

The right of self-determination which underlies the doctrine of informed consent also obviously encompasses the right to refuse medical treatment. A competent adult is generally entitled to reject a specific treatment or all treatment, or to select an alternate form of treatment, even if the decision may entail risks as serious as death and may appear mistaken in the eyes of the medical profession or of the community. Regardless of the doctor's opinion, it is the patient who has the final say on whether to undergo the treatment. The patient is free to decide, for instance, not to be operated on or not to undergo therapy or, by the same token, not to have a blood transfusion. If a doctor were to proceed in the face of a decision to reject the treatment, he would be civilly liable for his unauthorized conduct notwithstanding his justifiable belief that what he did was necessary to preserve the patient's life or health. The doctrine of informed consent is plainly intended to ensure the freedom of individuals to make choices concerning their medical care. For this freedom to be meaningful, people must have the right to make choices that

accord with their own values regardless of how unwise or foolish those choices may appear to others . . .

(Emphasis added)

ll go see a judge first..but if I cant in time by apr 1st ill turn myself in if im breaking a law. we could organize a canada wide arrest of medical patients!! news crews plants lbs whatever but I dont think it will come to that..yet..we can be arrested but never convicted..

Doc Weedlaw


*POSSESSION AND CULTIVATION ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL pursuant Parker ***and Krieger, the J.P. Court ruled possession and cultivation offences are valid while there is a constitutionally acceptable medical exemption in force and not valid otherwise;


THE CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES TO BE ARGUED ARE: that the multiple impediments to both access and supply in the Marijuana Medical Access Regulations make the exemption unconstitutional and Ontario Court of Appeal ruled in J.P. that a bad exemption meant there was no offence. Followed by Justice Taliano in Mernagh. The applicant will show extensive restriction to access and supply in the MMAR/MMPR and seeks an order declaring both programmes unconstitutional. **


Well-Known Member
Hi Doc welcome to the board.
I like all you have said so far good work....
there will be plenty of us following John Conroy's and the Engineer here in Ont, cases and yours as well...if we can...
The judges will hold up the law..if past experiences are any indication....
we have faith in the judicial system....just not the selfservatives..

Doc Weedlaw

Yes ive been working with turmel for ten years..first 12 flaws I made now we have 26..ive decided to go on my own..ive had more then 30 ppls charges stayed or withdrawn accross canada with 100% success I will continue the good fight on my own issues for now. As they are different then just costs for me.


Well-Known Member
small victories are still victories here hoping the whole mess gets cleaned up this time around.....
no more looking over your shoulder,,,,every time you turn around for fear..the gov will be there to persecute (prosecute) for something...
also the ability to sleep at night for fear the breach of patient info..has lead some unsavory criminal to your place...
I had motion senors go off 3 times last night alone.....fortunately only animals....of the furry nature....

Doc Weedlaw

im not asking to be part of any program..I want a lifelime exemption from 4 7 cdsa for medical puposes.

Take care folks!

Keep me posted!! I have some potting to do!!;)

Oh ya HC says use cat litter to destroy my plants? Any know were I can get 974 jugs of cat littler?? can anyone loan me 5000 to buy all this cat litter???

ahhh fuck I give just gunna let these trees grow..I cant afford the kitty litter...lmfao


Well-Known Member
I hear ya....if it works we probably should all take the necessary steps to do the same things....until the laws are either changed to suit patients needs only or they are no longer an impedence
to would be patients....
I would like to thank you personally for sticking your neck out there...for yourself and all of the rest of us who will benefit from these rulings....


Well-Known Member
im not asking to be part of any program..I want a lifelime exemption from 4 7 cdsa gor medical puposes.
Anyone with a terminal illness or a permanent impairment and prevented from working should be lifetime exemptions. I haven't been able to work since 1998 and this bullshit of having to get the doc to refill paperwork every year is ridiculous.

Doc Weedlaw

we dont need permission for fuck all..we have the final say in our medical care in this country..harpers gone by spring so..things are looking up already..;)