your thoughts on today's court case(federal)


Well-Known Member
So will the MMAR for sure continue until the trial or is possible the MMPR will still be in place until then?


Well-Known Member
Here's my guess, both programs will run concurrently just as it is now with the exception being that growers will still be allowed to grow until a decision from the SC. That way the government can get its fledgling industry up and running and no one feels like they lost. New patients will come on stream in the new system and are stuck with smoking or vaping and limited to small quantities.


Well-Known Member
Here's my guess, both programs will run concurrently just as it is now with the exception being that growers will still be allowed to grow until a decision from the SC. That way the government can get its fledgling industry up and running and no one feels like they lost. New patients will come on stream in the new system and are stuck with smoking or vaping and limited to small quantities.
I'd be ok with that lol


Well-Known Member
What is going to happen with our ATPs? Does the March 31st expiry now become invalid and the validity date is now the expiry date? Mine for example says expiry March 31st, but it's valid until like December.


Here's my guess, both programs will run concurrently just as it is now with the exception being that growers will still be allowed to grow until a decision from the SC.
That way the government can get its fledgling industry up and running and no one feels like they lost. New patients will come on stream in the new system and are stuck with smoking or vaping and limited to small quantities.
Pretty much if I was a betting man I would place a good wager on this as well. I have spoken to a lot of people who have history with the evolution of the program and they have said this from the beginning. Like has been previously posted in other threads all these LPs getting suckered by health canadas propaganda marketing campaign of 1.3b dollar gravy train. I have the funds to start a LP and the experience but I was advised by many people to stay away because of exactly what is happening now. You want to make money legitimately wait for alternate means of production and distribution to be introduced. These big shops are not economically viable and I have documentation and business models to support that. Including revenue streams, taxes, and other expenses.


Well-Known Member
Exactly the LP system was doomed to fail before it started it was geared toward the legal recreational market not the medical market. You can clearly see this by the way our hitler government called it a 1.3 billion dollar industry with out any facts for all you LP's out there I have some beans for sale if you plant them you will be rich beyond your wildest dreams lol kind what Harper and HC made ya believe lol


Well-Known Member
I would say hang on to your pink slips. If this goes to court, they will have to continue renewing licences just like before. I can hardly wait for the outcome!


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it was the initial consultations that are making the new system fail.....they only took opinions from law enforcement/fire and government/HC ....and from a few mmar with inside track to the MMPR....
so with such a one sided case being made by HC.....they did nothing to ensure any of the patient needs were being met...and that is why they will fail....the judges have a duty to uphold the constitution....and I have faith they will....
otherwise why bother having a constitution...
so at least things are under way.....any official words being bantered around by either side?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it was the initial consultations that are making the new system fail.....they only took opinions from law enforcement/fire and government/HC ....and from a few mmar with inside track to the MMPR....
so with such a one sided case being made by HC.....they did nothing to ensure any of the patient needs were being met...and that is why they will fail....the judges have a duty to uphold the constitution....and I have faith they will....
otherwise why bother having a constitution...
so at least things are under way.....any official words being bantered around by either side?
kinda quiet on the lp front eh? Totally agree with the point about the constitution. What would be the point of it if nobody's going to bother adhering to the principles. See...Trudeau saw Harper coming. Merci Pierre!!


Well-Known Member
I'm sure there is still plenty of planning from both sides goin on ...kinda like being a chess game isn't it....


Well-Known Member
Holy not anything at all from the LP's. Lol what cat got your tounge or better yet Harper got your wallets lol


Well-Known Member
They all prob feel like fucking retards that's why. Check they're prob all there.sellouts


Well-Known Member
I'm optimistic about tomorrow.
I am too...the judges think with precedent in mind...and the constitution to uphold...
they are not so concerned about what HC wants to accomplish under any one government....
Harpie had his moment....when no one was time around maybe a few more will get off the couch...
send him a message....