Getting Started: Does This Stuff Look Good?


Well-Known Member
So I plan on growing indoors (closet size, maybe two plants going at once but probably one for my first try) and have been reading ALOT about marijuana growing indoors, especially with the book "Growing Marijuana Indoors Under Lights".

So the book references the reader (me) to use Gro-Lux lights or other VHO lighting. I will be buying the standard as I heard Wide Spectrum is less helpful to your plant.

F40T12 Grow-lux - BLF-F40-GROWLUX

I have also read Iguana lights work well for the last couple weeks of flowering. The book also points me towards Jiffy-7 pods to germinate the seed but I'm not sure, probably will just use the paper towel method.

The book also says to use this soil:


Is there anything else I should know or get. I'm going to use a 5 gallon bucket for the frowing after germination. The problem I am having though is that I will be growing in my apartment and don't wanna jack up my electricity bill (from having the lights on all day) and get any un-needed attention on me. Other than that I am stoked as it all seems VERY interesting to me. I will probably use nutes from Fox Farm (but I still need specific ones to use).

I will also need help with curing when I get to it. I move into my apartment in August and hope to be starting by mid-August and at latest late September. Also if I can ask one more question, what is a decently little (due to only being able to grow in a closet) strain of weed that is easy to grow, fairly high potency and fair yields? I have come up with Afghan, Top 44, Ice or California Orange Bud. Any other suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Dont use those bulbs, they are T12 and are now outdated, If you must go flourescent go with t8's, t5's, or t5HO's

Although the best bet is to get a HPS (high pressure Sodium light)

Try they are the cheapest and also they carry T5 Flouros.

As for Soil, That soil will actually work, but Fox farm Soil is now the standard as there soil is perfectly composed and perfectly suitable for growing cannabis...


Well-Known Member
You want to get a HPS because, HPS is best for flowering because of its high Red spectrum..

Hps ballasts can then run MH conversion bulbs for Veg.

Whereas if you buy a MH ballast, they dont make good MHballast-HPSbulb conversion bulbs. A few do exist but there lumens are crap.


Well-Known Member
HPS for 1 plant? if you r planing to grow 1 plant, then better do it with 2 40w CFL's will be enough. i dont see point of spending so much electricity for 1 plant.

but then again, i dont know how expencive is electricity in your side. in my country electricity costs alot.

btw, if you are planing to get maximum yield, than ya, use HPS.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I'll just have to work with it.

Another small question. When starting my seedling (after germination), when I first plant it, do I give the plant some darkness too or should I keep a light on for it at all times?


Well-Known Member
Yea, I'll just have to work with it.

Another small question. When starting my seedling (after germination), when I first plant it, do I give the plant some darkness too or should I keep a light on for it at all times?
You can choose between a 18 on 6 off or a 24 on 0 off light cycle.


Well-Known Member
Ok cool. Do I keep that cycle up throughout the rest of the plants life or should I go back to a 24 hour light on method? I also have been understanding that to load up on resin filled buds you should keep all lights off two days before harvest until you harvest. Is this true?


Well-Known Member
Follow this link to understand the appropiate life cycle of marijuana


And yes Aluminum foil does more damage than good, white trash bags if you cannot afford a $13 roll of mylar from the local hydro shop.

nino s

Active Member
And yes Aluminum foil does more damage than good, white trash bags if you cannot afford a $13 roll of mylar from the local hydro shop.
is there anywhere else to buy mylar besides a hydro shop? I have been searchig for a shop where I live and have had no luck.