Anyone a fan of defoliation to increase yeild?

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
In early flower, if u have to many bud sites it's good to remove weaker shoots/buds sites, as this gives you a higher yeild and larger cola's in late flower
but has to be done right to give the this result
right...this is what we have been saying all along. Now you are claiming this is defoliation instead of plucking all the leaves?

If so you are changing your story.

and the only way you can do it wrong would be to go too high up the stem or take too many branches...not really rocket science.

clear the lower third of all budsites. Leaving the leaves if possible. and also clear all sucker branches.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Quote from growweedeasy

I DO NOT lollipop and advice strongly against it. I use defoliation to skillfully and artfully prepare plants during the vegetative stage, so that lollipopping becomes completely unnecessary.


Active Member
right...this is what we have been saying all along. Now you are claiming this is defoliation instead of plucking all the leaves?

If so you are changing your story.

and the only way you can do it wrong would be to go too high up the stem or take too many branches...not really rocket science.

clear the lower third of all budsites. Leaving the leaves if possible. and also clear all sucker branches.
have you read my diary or know anything about the way I grow, for a few years I grow weed by myself, not looked it up on line or had a single mate that knew I grow weed
so I learn t by trail and error, knowing when to remove leaves (defoliation) To deprive (a plant, tree, or forest of leaves ) not what some grower put up on a website, TBH don't like his results

basically I have work out what to do at what stages to get the best out my plants, this does include topping, lst, thinning an plant out (removing weak shoots and bud sites), defoliation, often called it selective pruning on a lot of different sites over the last 2-3 years as a lot of growers was against defoliation,

lol "only way you can do it wrong would be to go too high up the stem or take too many branches" you don't know what your talking about, you need to grow a plant/phone at lease once to see how the plant reacts in flower, see how bushy she gets, how much does she stretch after taking a few leaves, this is the trial and error stage, next you grow her again from the clone you took

look back on the notes, work how much she's going to stretch, how many leaves she grows in flower etc
then you can work out how many branches/leaves to take and from where, and knowing this will slow the growth down more depending on how many branches/leaves taken from which part of the plant, you want the plants to have a good amount of light covering all the leaves, bud sites, good air flow going through the canopy but at the same time you do want a good amount of leaves in flower
its not easy to work out but get it right and you will pull yields like me

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
From day 1 everyone is learning how to keep leaves green and healthy and attached and feeding the plant. They panic at leaf drop, spend hundred's of dollars on the wrong shit for no reason to try to correct a problem they don't even comprehend correctly. Then stubble across the word defoliation and wanna start mutilating their ladies. Keep the bottom 25-33% of the plants little shoots and bottom nodes stripped away so energy goes to actual bud production not trying to get bottom branches to grow more to find light and make an attempt at making some fluffy popcorn buds.


Well-Known Member
From day 1 everyone is learning how to keep leaves green and healthy and attached and feeding the plant. They panic at leaf drop, spend hundred's of dollars on the wrong shit for no reason to try to correct a problem they don't even comprehend correctly. Then stubble across the word defoliation and wanna start mutilating their ladies. Keep the bottom 25-33% of the plants little shoots and bottom nodes stripped away so energy goes to actual bud production not trying to get bottom branches to grow more to find light and make an attempt at making some fluffy popcorn buds.
Amen, budder.


Active Member
Ok, there is one question I can't seem to find an answer to.

Lets say we have a branch that has 3 large leaves and a young little bud between them. Those leaves are keeping the light from penetrating to the bud. I want to know what exactly will hapen?

a) those leaves will produce energy that will be transfered to the bud and it will grow large.
b) those leaves will send their produced energy down to the roots, while the leaves on the bud will remain shaded, unable to produce enough energy for the bud to become anything but a popcorn.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
Ok, there is one question I can't seem to find an answer to.

Lets say we have a branch that has 3 large leaves and a young little bud between them. Those leaves are keeping the light from penetrating to the bud. I want to know what exactly will hapen?

a) those leaves will produce energy that will be transfered to the bud and it will grow large.
b) those leaves will send their produced energy down to the roots, while the leaves on the bud will remain shaded, unable to produce enough energy for the bud to become anything but a popcorn.
Look up what exactly photosynthesis is, and where it happens. Once you know and completely understand it, you will know the answer to your question...


Active Member
Yes, I know what a photosynthesis is, but living organisms often don't react in a way that's expected at the first glance. For example, you add more light, what would you expect? More light = more light = more growth. What you get? Just the oposite, plant with less light will push more into stretching as it thinks it has to get closer to the lights. Similarely here, yes, at first glance I would expect those leaves to feed the bud and make it stronger, but what plant actually does, I wouldn't bet on that unless I have some hands on expirience.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
All that said and I am going to try to MainLine my next grow and there is a LOT of defoliation used in that technique so I think that makes me a hipocrite


Well-Known Member
Yes, I know what a photosynthesis is
Your question implies otherwise, which is basically asking what happens with photosynthate. Look into the phloem pathway for example.

Here you go:

Transport in plants occurs on three levels:
  • the uptake and release of water and solutes by individual cells
    • absorption of water and minerals from he soil by root cells
  • short-distance transport of substances from cell to cell
    • loading of sucrose from photosynthetic cells into the sieve tube cells of the phloem
  • long-distance transport of sap within the xylem and PHLOEM
    • this is a WHOLE PLANT phenomena - transport of photosynthate from leaf to root
As the last sentence says: "This explanation is very simplified - scientists are just now discovering the subtle details of phloem movement in plants". Nobody completely and exactly understands photosynthesis as a previous poster suggested, it is however a well-known fact that all leaves work for the entire plant, not just the part/fruit they connect too.

Photosynthate is simply put energy harvested from the sun, stored in sugar molecules which are transported and used throughout the entire plant, everywhere where energy is needed for cellular processes (creating stems, leaves, buds, and roots).

The people who think they notice a yield increase just have too many plants or bud sites packed together. A fuck up than can be partly unfucked by removing some leaves. I have no doubt some people with some strains actually are able to push yields to a max but in general it's just a bad idea and completely unnecessary to get max yields.


New Member
All that said and I am going to try to MainLine my next grow and there is a LOT of defoliation used in that technique so I think that makes me a hipocrite
I will say that mainlining works very well. I was totally experimenting with a og blueberry but was extremely happy with the results. It works very well. At first I was concerned but she just fricken flew.