Change in Address


Well-Known Member
I wanted to change my address, but I think I won't be able to.
I know we haven't even let the dust settle, but does anyone have an opinion on putting an addy change through?
I don't see why you wouldn't be able to. Other than the possession amount it sounds like business a usual.
I was wondering the same thing...I think I'm going for the 'don't ask,don't tell' approach. I have every expectation HC will do everything they can to fuck things up for mmar patients. As long as I stay low key and within my plant limit, I don't think I'll have any problems. If I do get a visit, I don't think there is a court that will convict anyone for growing for personal medicine right now.
The way I understand the ruling the only change is to the possession limit. You might want to send them a registered letter informing them of your impending change of address. Make sure you address it to the person on the pink slip (Proulx?.) At least that way your ass is covered. There can't be any you didn't tell us bs.
Sure you can do an address change. If HC tells you you can't make a call to a lawyer and get a letter sent for a few hundred bucks telling them to go fuck themselves.

But you won't even have to do that. You should technically be able to sue HC if they tried to stop you because they're the one's that put all the patients at risk at their grow locations by mailing out the letters to them with the Marijuana shit written all over the cover of them. They are so stupid it's scary they are the governments health care reps.

Business as usual..They will be hesitant to do more stupid things from now on.
Sound advice you're giving wouldn't you say...

Health Canada sent a letter out prior to September first, telling people that they had to make changes prior to that date. (Sept 1[SUP]st[/SUP]) at that point everyone would have to remain at the current location they were at. Get a lawyer sounds so simple to get a change, why get a lawyer?
I phoned HC this morning to ask about renewals, changes and etc and the girl I talked to told me that they will be likely be dropping all that info next week.
I wanted to change my address, but I think I won't be able to.
I know we haven't even let the dust settle, but does anyone have an opinion on putting an addy change through?

According to the ruling, it's business as usual in accordance with your ATP notwithstanding the expiry date. If you were good to go Sept 30(not oct 1) you are good to go now. If you are growing at a location not listed on your ATP you are not in accordance with you ATP. The only thing that changes is the expiry date and carry amounts.

I want to grow 200 plants now instead of 50. Can you arbitrarily change the conditions, I think not. If my buddy gets busted I can just say it's my grow and I moved there since my papers were issued.

If the law shows up at your door and charges you who knows what the court will do. You might win but are the legal fees worth it. You pays your money you takes your chances.
I agree, u cant change addresses, names ect, if you were in system before sept 30, your good to go as is on the lic, if oct 1, you are technically illegal. nothing you can do, atp ppl dppl are still good if before sept 30
I agree, u cant change addresses, names ect, if you were in system before sept 30, your good to go as is on the lic, if oct 1, you are technically illegal. nothing you can do, atp ppl dppl are still good if before sept 30

I still don't think this is true and not sure why it's continually repeated

the judges order states :

The Applicants who held, as of September 30, 2013, or were issued thereafter


The Applicants who held, as of September 30, 2013

if you had a valid ATP and PPL as of the date of the order you are good
yup my mistake sorry, and post 17 is wrong sorry.
MMAR/MMPR Injunction and what it means to you
The court ruling on Friday, March 21st left many patients and growers asking questions. We appreciate your patience in allowing us time to gather correct answers to your questions about this granted injunction.

If you were a designated grower, or a personal producer with a valid license as of September 30, 2013 you have been granted the legal abilit...y to continue producing your medication or your patients medication past March 31, 2014. This is valid for ALL patients and designated growers across Canada.

All designated or personal production must be conducted in the exact format that it is stated on your license.

For example:

As of September 30, 2013 John Doe had a license to produce his 3 grams per day (90 grams per month) medication at his home address of 1234, Fake Street, Faketown, AB, V1V O1O. John is now able to continue growing his 3 grams per day prescription at his home address past his licenses expiry of March 31, 2014. John is able to continue storing his medication in the exact amount that is indicated on his license.

- A patient and designated grower are able to have the storage amounts as indicated on their MMAR license.

- If you had a license that expired between September 30, 2013 and now or you did not renew your license (and it expired between September 30, 2013 and now) you are now legally able to produce medication within your expired license details.

- Designated growers are able to ship patients their full prescription amount as stated on their MMAR license.

- A patient upon leaving their home can only carry on them an amount no greater than 150grams. This is regardless of their prescriptive amount.

- There is no option to make any changes to your license. Health Canada is not accepting any paperwork for new applications, address changes, prescription changes, renewals etc.

As it currently stands, there is no longer any expiry date on the MMAR license. You can continue to produce your or your patients medication until a further court hearing. We will be keeping our website and social media outlets constantly updated with any further court hearings and related information.

- If you are a patient who was NOT producing your own medication and you did not have designated grower you have a license to possess. This does have an expiry of March 31, 2014. You MUST register yourself with a Health Canada approved Licensed Commercial Producer.

For a full list of the producers please view here:

Although your license does not currently have an expiry we are strongly advising all patients that you obtain a new doctor prescription (B1 or B2 form) before or at the time of your expiry. This form will not be sent to Health Canada or a licensed producer and will be only for you and/or your designated growers records.

Mr. John Conroy ( and our legal guidance have both strongly suggested that you obtain a new medical document proving that you are eligible for medical marijuana as this will be your defense to legally use marijuana as a medication if you ever require it. Even though Health Canada is not accepting any medical documentation this will serve as proof that you are still in need of marijuana as a medication for your condition(s).

We would like to thank you again for your patience and understanding in this matter.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Health Canada directly for up to date clarification at 1-866-337-7705
Sound advice you're giving wouldn't you say...

Health Canada sent a letter out prior to September first, telling people that they had to make changes prior to that date. (Sept 1[SUP]st[/SUP]) at that point everyone would have to remain at the current location they were at. Get a lawyer sounds so simple to get a change, why get a lawyer?

Ya I would say it is sound advice. HC are fucking idiots and don't know the law from a hole in the ground. They can tell you whatever the fuck they want and you as a sheep can do what they say or you can know your rights and do what's right and legal.

Me, I have a lawyer on retainer. Because I don't bow down to fuck heads that don't really know what's up.

But for others that don't I suggest a lawyer letter if needed because it's the cheapest way to get HC to fuck off until more of the HC debockle has been straightened out by the courts.

Just watch and wait and you will see. Read my posts about how all this went down and you will see I haven't been wrong yet...

By the way I think I forgot to say fuck off to any LP's that are out there reading this.