F*ck all you outdoor growers that are doing this


Well-Known Member
lol yeah fight someone over littering...best shit ive heard since adopting babies from china..get attacked by a dingo.........
Twist my words. Get attacked by a dingo?

Anyone heard of the american taliban? after watching dirty wars(doco) I was quite shocked at how bad the US military is.

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
Us americans huhNo dont know what it is i didnt look at what ever the link was
i may be wrong but hundreds of thousands of people being killed over there by there own kind women have to cover face
but you whoever ypu are think the americans are causing worst harm
you probaly living in a country that you are free to do as you want my anncesstores probaly died for your freedom
but then again i really dont know where you
but god bless you anyhow

If you live in aa country we didnt help free or stabalize then disregard what i said here
Your ignorant to reality. America goes into these 3rd world countries, not to help but to destabilize. Sell arms n weapons, divide the country n conquer the oli. They aren't fighting over there for no reason, we are fueling it all for our own profits. War makes billions for banks and arms contractors, and if u can get them to fight amongst them selves they destroy their land and almost move out for you.
I am from the states, I just don't get my news from the tube. I know that the media is all lies and misleading info, stop getting your news from CNN.

WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.



Well-Known Member
Well there prophet
im a right leaning i dont watch them ya hoo,s on cnn msnbc abc
im a fox news channel man so that should tell you and most others that care about our country what kind of person i am people like you r whats goin wrong with our country wanna smaller military well keep on wanting there bud
when them mussies come here ill be ready shotguns rifle and a four wheel drive ill survive but you good luck my friend dont come asking me for help

You went to a school man they put that stupid stuff in your head reality man wake up
im done here
Gonna try and not log back in
dont even know why i origanly answered to the thread
Chris christie for president 2016
wish the best for all who live with nerve pain
ptsd every day i feel ur pain

Ok im done
i vote yes for legal medical pot


Well-Known Member
if u know the deal.. u know cops like to not put themselves in imidiate danger every day of the week.. so they allow bigger dudes that are mexican mafia affiliated or very violent gangs .. so they dont get gunned down during every mission.. so instead they would rather.. kick your door in at 4am.. with machine guns.. to take your 2-4 light grow operation off the streets. claiming a multi million dollar operation was taken down.. lol.. seriously look at how they do things.. if they dont want danger.. do what the cops used to do .. wait for you to leave your house.. pull you over up the street.. arrest u.. bring u back home.. and go inside with the keys and a warrant.. ! . no guns drawn.. no risk.. just getting people without harming the dogs.. kids.. wives or even non violent cannabis grower.. . its FUCKING DISRESPECTFUL AND PATHETIC to do in a so called FREE COUNTRY.. i believe that is the definition of a POLICE STATE.. what we are dealing with now.. GUN CONFISCATION.. comeon people.. why do they want your weapons? they can do whatever they want as long as they claim it will protect you from TERRORISTS.

and chris christy is a fucking joke.. what a fat fucking loser.. that guy is.. got his hands and pockets full of big pharma money OBVIOUSLY


Well-Known Member
Your ignorant to reality. America goes into these 3rd world countries, not to help but to destabilize. Sell arms n weapons, divide the country n conquer the oli. They aren't fighting over there for no reason, we are fueling it all for our own profits. War makes billions for banks and arms contractors, and if u can get them to fight amongst them selves they destroy their land and almost move out for you.
I am from the states, I just don't get my news from the tube. I know that the media is all lies and misleading info, stop getting your news from CNN.

WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

Keep this shit in the political section.


Well-Known Member
Agree with prophet.

Anyone heard of Yemen bombings from the US military killing innocent villagers? no war was even declared there.
Poverty could be eradicated from the amount of money they spend on way each year.

13,800 US soldiers will remain in Afghanistan after 2014 I think.


Well-Known Member
You Kiwi's won't even stick your head out from under the covers. I'm sure all of you on this same train of thought are fine with innocent civilians and structures being blown up as long as it don't effect you personally . We're just in it for the oil anyway... lol

Watch out , If it wasn't for Obamba we'd be over taking Russia's oil too . lol


Well-Known Member
This thread has been completely derailed onto a topic, about which I do not give a shit about.
The original video outlines a REAL problem in a national park. I understand that some people grow in public area's, and I doubt the video is meant to attack all outdoor growers. Unless you leave your former sites looking like that site looked, I don't see why you'd be uppity about it.
Can we not all agree that cleaning up after ourselves isn't that much to ask. You don't own the land, and don't have a right to leave it as a trash can.

The video is clearly meant to bring attention to something that cartels are doing, not home or even dispensary growers. If you grow outdoors, more power to you, it would be nice if we all had that option. But a good portion of us don't, we live in climates that don't allow cannabis to be cultivated properly.
No need to be an asshole about it, or accuse people of attacking your way of growing simply because ONE OP OWNER made a mess and had a video made about it.
My guess would be that it's correct to say that most of that mess was probably made by the police when the op was busted, they don't really handle anything with care and cops are about as careful as a dog with a chew toy when it comes to equipment.

But this WAS interesting until it devolved into a political pissing contest.


Well-Known Member
Ooo that's a bit hot in the house,all people should keep the place tidy at all times.
the chap in the video clip says that it should be safe for all the people to go to the park in the good old USA and that's right.
the video of this grow is putting out a different impression in my opinion,it is implying that all out side grows are the same as the one in the video and they are not.


Well-Known Member
You Kiwi's won't even stick your head out from under the covers. I'm sure all of you on this same train of thought are fine with innocent civilians and structures being blown up as long as it don't effect you personally . We're just in it for the oil anyway... lol

Watch out , If it wasn't for Obamba we'd be over taking Russia's oil too . lol
Na it's nice and cosy down here :mrgreen:

Oil is our new religion.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
While you guys have been arguing about garbage I've been designing a 100 megaton thermo-non-nuclear poliferation device. Of course I'm concerned about the enviroment and the well being of non hostiles.

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Yes, yes exactly but minions fail to see it for what it is and accuse others of the same kind of thing because they are to Fing stupid to understand because their CFL's melted their brain cells.
*spits up coffee laughing*
Brutal TWS :)
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Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
My oppinion alot of this is mexican cartel
some of there family members may be held for ransom
these 3 or 4 people have 15 others help get this stuff there 2 or 3 cant get it all out but i think they really dont care
the go* damn borders need to be secured our politicians right now to chicken shit
to do that might be racism or who knows what they might say

Sure, blame the Mexicans, vete a la mierda, maldito idiota

wait I am Caucasian..... never mind