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Well-Known Member
lol. nice one char....hardly

and @ neo. most of her more juicy posts have been deleted
Well that is the other thing I noticed... some of her posts were deleted, whereas a lot of other people's posts full of vitrol bashing her remained. That's gotta make a person feel cornered...


Well-Known Member
Well that is the other thing I noticed... some of her posts were deleted, whereas a lot of other people's posts full of vitrol bashing her remained. That's gotta make a person feel cornered...
When I'm cornered I send out soft porn videos to the more sensible members...........check your inbox again.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I guess I should state for the record. I DO NOT hate smaher. Some of her posts are fun and at times she has made me laugh.

there will be no apology threads as I am not sorry.


Well-Known Member
I guess I should state for the record. I DO NOT hate smaher. Some of her posts are fun and at times she has made me laugh.

there will be no apology threads as I am not sorry.
I made an apology thread and it died just as fast as it was posted.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Well that is the other thing I noticed... some of her posts were deleted, whereas a lot of other people's posts full of vitrol bashing her remained. That's gotta make a person feel cornered...
you don't stop to consider WHY her posts were deleted? because she is downright nasty @ times.

but she is sooo chill according to her

I sense a bipolar disorder
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