I hope most sellers of pot that grow it would also try to keep the fact that they grow it a secret. Not only for the legal part of it, but for the security and anti-robbery capabilities of your crop..... We just tell people we import it from California, and they believe it, due to the proper packaging and labeling on every back. It makes things easy, and I think also allows buyers to tell you the TRUTH about the strains, whether the feedback is good or bad. If you are "the grower" people are less likely to criticize your work and provide constructive feedback...........
We have had buyers come and go over the years, they go because they move out of the area after school or get out of the biz all together. At any given time we like to have four or five total buyers. Usually one or two of them want everything you can make, and the other ones are there just to keep your prices in check and competitive.
Even though this is a commercial grow op by thread title, it's a miniature commercial grow op for sure.
With regard to pricing, it changes from time to time based on the market. Right now its a dry time for every one of my buyers, and we've been "owing" weed to one in particular for almost a MONTH now. (Which, by the way, is NOT a situation I would EVER want to be in, its embarassing!). We try to stick to full pounds at a time, unless its a good friend, then whatever they want is fine out of my stash jar. If our customers cant buy a full pound, then generally they just wont be a customer too long and we will have "stopped importing weed" for them if you get my drift.

I'd rather cut a buyer who isnt dedicated to the business, rather than a guy who just "sells what he can"........