Appreciation Thread

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Well-Known Member
Ya know, I was just thinking about how much of a rad-ass you are! Thanks for your love all the time. If it wasn't for the few characters and select growers ( you all know who I like) around here like you, I would have been gonZo. So thank you. The rest of you fucks mean nothing to me.


Well-Known Member
It's because a select few of you that I'm still even here.

Wish I could kick it with some of you fucks. Ya there I go again dreaming.

Mr sunshine is that soft foreskin to available for the taking?.....


Well-Known Member
Mr. Sunshine is the fucking wild card.

Suicidal failure is balring, I;m trying to join another site......

BBOOOOOm, I';m lit


Well-Known Member
If anybody that I like decides to go away, you better leave your email in my PM. Clayton scared me last time! As for the rest of you clownshits, no need for salutations. I believes in nahsing.


Well-Known Member
Lots of strife around here lately. Weird, with so many good people. I love everyone on my friends list, or they wouldn't be there, but I wanted to call out a few real quick.

UncleBaldrick, Chewberto, Charface, Neosapien, Singlemalt, srh88, Barnbuster, Mr. Shunshine, Kelly4, MIN, I appreciate you. Just lovin you up.

Of course I love so many others here, and I'm sure your names will all pop up in this thread, but I wanted to start off with these guys.

You da man Clayton. You, just like so many others, help make this place what it is. A beacon of hope in a world where tomorrow is uncertain. Or something like that. Love you guys.


Well-Known Member
Like I said in an older thread, Clayton is a National Treasure, ponder this and weep in gratitude that you're alive while Clayton strides this land


Well-Known Member
Granny Weed, I sent that friend request, cannot believe you weren't there already. I appreciate the shit out of you.

Curious and CN, you MFers better show yourselves soon. We're family.


Well-Known Member
love all you's guy's too...right now...but I took a few hits of a.c.i.d....not even sure what day it is?


bud bootlegger
damn, page 4 and not one mention of the racer, think i'll go cry myself to sleep now.. :(

but hey, it's not all bad, at least uncle buck invited me to his cool people club..
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