Blasting on Non-Bleached Parchment Paper


New Member
Hello everyone? I am tired of scrapping on pyrex and agitating my product. I was wondering if it is safe to blast onto the non-bleached parchment paper? All the help and advice will highly be appreciated, Thank you and have a great day peace :peace::joint::mrgreen:
Not recommended....

You can visibly see the coating flake off as it comes in contact with the solvent.

There is a product known as the
” Oil Slick Sheet”.. Designed to blast directly onto, one time use only, and is expensive if you do a lot of runs.

This is not the same product as the
” Oil Slick Pad”
Pad is for final purge and is reusable.

Use a round Pyrex Bowl instead, use a flexible putty or art knife...scrape while warm.
I usually keep the bowl on a heating pad as I'm scraping.
i'd be scared to try personally even if the product came recommended as safe for blasting on from the manufacturer.

On the same topic, and hope this doesn't jack the thread - but i have a very small pyrex dish that would fit into my chamber. If i were to blast in here and the oil layer wasnt too thick, would it purge ok and be easy to remove from the pyrex once purged?
yes, scraping shouldn't be that hard with the right equipment
the thinner the oil layer, the quicker the purge
scrape while warm with a flexible putty knife
i'd be scared to try personally even if the product came recommended as safe for blasting on from the manufacturer.

On the same topic, and hope this doesn't jack the thread - but i have a very small pyrex dish that would fit into my chamber. If i were to blast in here and the oil layer wasnt too thick, would it purge ok and be easy to remove from the pyrex once purged?

My old chamber I could fit my collection dish into...

That is exactly what you want...
Zero agitation from the scrape, no loss during transfer..

I've got one dish that fits my chamber now but it's really
I bet I could still efficiently purge at least a 1/4 zip..

This is a great tip gentlemen, my best results have always been when my dish fit in my chamber.

*Watch yo Muffin when doing this though*
my 1.5 gallon stock pot is quite tall and thin so the dish i have that would fit inside is one like the size of the very small dish in the pic below

I think id be scared to run more than 7 or 14gs of material into there because of how small the dish is maybe...but its either spray into that small dish and put it directly into the chamber...or get a bigger chamber/lid which im not too keen on

Dang that is very cool Texas(THC)... spraying directly into the dish you vac... i'd like that..but right now its just about too much money

How do you gather your extract if you spray into your dish without scraping..? Am I missing something? So you spray in a dish, put your dish in the vac, and then scrape the dish or you just take what you need from that dish?
ya I still scrape after vacuum now but use to leave in dish with a lid
just no agitation or heat prior to vac
No gathering needed....

Once purged enough, you can literally peel it off the glass in one piece.

Or as stated, just dab as needed.

I only have experience with the SS and Aluminum Best Value Kits..

They are solid...

The shallow pyrex ones seem very convenient for smaller runs..

I just wonder if the glass is real Boro...
The price tag says otherwise.
Of course there is always these....

Same exact material used for the Slick Sheet.

Just make sure you are getting PFTE..and not teflon.

When I very first started researching extracts..

These bags were featured in my very first You Tube Bho tutorial.
It seems like the video was made in the 80s.. Lol

But they blast straight into these bags while suspended in a hot water bath.
The end result were giant boulders of rock hard shatter.
No gathering needed.... Once purged enough, you can literally peel it off the glass in one piece. Or as stated, just dab as needed.
Oo ooo oo! That is very exciting to me. Right now Extract - water evap - scrape - vac. Very excited to try this weekend and eliminating the entire scraping step. Vaccing the whole pyrex dish putting it right into the chamber will be cool! Will try to remember to take pics! *excited* LOL I sound like a ltitle kid :) :) :)
It truly is the absolute best way to purge your patties.

Just ensure you have the oil in a thin film.. You can do this as last tiny bit of liquid butane is evaporating..
I like to refer to this as...

” melting butter tech”

But, seriously..just as of you were melting butter in a frying pan, tilt the dish so the oil is evenly distributed in a thin film across the large surface area of the dish.

Near the end of the purge..
I recommend flipping your patty at least a couple seems to really help draw out the last bit of solvent/moisture.

If the run is huge, be careful on pulling your initial muffin..
It can get really messy if it muffins over the edge of the dish...

Hehe ..muffin tops.
Keep us with updated pics..GL 2 G..
No gathering needed....

Once purged enough, you can literally peel it off the glass in one piece.

Or as stated, just dab as needed.

I only have experience with the SS and Aluminum Best Value Kits..

They are solid...

The shallow pyrex ones seem very convenient for smaller runs..

I just wonder if the glass is real Boro...
The price tag says otherwise.
Super old thread, but Teflon is brand name of PTFE…they are the same
Had a huge muffin rise all the way to the top of my 3 gallon chamber, and popped. It was such a messy hard way to learn a lesson, sucked!