Growing in a highrise apartment building


Well-Known Member
Here is a similar situation.. I rent. It's a large property of nice walkup properties.. (Not a high rise).. They take good care of the property. I'lll just tell you the moral of the story right now.. "You never know when the landlord may need to enter your property"..

Last week I got a call that the maintenance guys were at my door and they needed to access the property right away because water was leaking from my slab. I was like "FRICK!" All of my tools were scattered everywhere, I had light cascading from my grow box, fans running everywhere, soil all over my sink etc.. It's legal for me to grow where I live, but I doubt my apartment manager would like to know that I am growing... So, I told them I had to calm my dog down and to wait a few minutes.. I quickly stashed everything as best I could and let them in. They were oblivious, but did ask me if I do construction also. I thought that was funny.. I had 50 ft of pvc sitting by my front door that I will use to make a PANDA film tent.. I told them I do sprinkler repair on the side :)

Here is a thought.. Maybe check Craigs list for free kitchen cabinets or talk to someone who does kitchen remodels and ask them for an old Pantry Cabinet..

Best of luck
Been there done that, i do appreciate the help though. Cant find a kitchen cabinet big enough, hence, i will be doing a 2x4-ish tent in the closet, im going to wait until i move in so I can measure the closet and buy a tent accordingly.


Well-Known Member
Been there done that, i do appreciate the help though. Cant find a kitchen cabinet big enough, hence, i will be doing a 2x4-ish tent in the closet, im going to wait until i move in so I can measure the closet and buy a tent accordingly.
This is why I suggested using the closet as a whole. For one, you need fresh air/C02 exchange regardless, and modifying the apartment via cutting a hole is not an option.

So, you might wish to try using that carbon filter as a stand alone. With doors shut, you may just get enough neg pressure to make it work. If not, weather stripping could be used to regulate openings.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
This is why I suggested using the closet as a whole. For one, you need fresh air/C02 exchange regardless, and modifying the apartment via cutting a hole is not an option.

So, you might wish to try using that carbon filter as a stand alone. With doors shut, you may just get enough neg pressure to make it work. If not, weather stripping could be used to regulate openings.

Good luck!
Cutting a hole is absolutely not an option, so getting fresh air into the closet could prove to be quite difficult, and i would not want to leave it open all day, thus defeating the purpose of the carbon filter as smell would be leaking out. If I put a tent in the closet, i could leave one of the door open, where fresh air could get into the closet, in turn being pulled into the tent, and not worry about light beaming out of my closet, and no smell could escape the tent.


Well-Known Member
Cutting a hole is absolutely not an option, so getting fresh air into the closet could prove to be quite difficult, and i would not want to leave it open all day, thus defeating the purpose of the carbon filter as smell would be leaking out. If I put a tent in the closet, i could leave one of the door open, where fresh air could get into the closet, in turn being pulled into the tent, and not worry about light beaming out of my closet, and no smell could escape the tent.
Just throw up a tent in your closet - it's no diff than the box I'm using in my closet except it's better. ;)


Well-Known Member
Dude, pay your rent on time all the time. Put a good deadbolt on door of room where plants are (mine cost $250). Set up a simple survellaince system. Anyone enters begin proceedings against the landlord and agent.Now: get growing. Oh, don"t forget carbon filters. I did once and my neighbours thought i was cheech and chong. Seriously, you either have the cojones for this or you don't. Are you a 'cando' or 'can't do' kinda guy?


Well-Known Member
Dude, pay your rent on time all the time. Put a good deadbolt on door of room where plants are (mine cost $250). Set up a simple survellaince system. Anyone enters begin proceedings against the landlord and agent.Now: get growing. Oh, don"t forget carbon filters. I did once and my neighbours thought i was cheech and chong. Seriously, you either have the cojones for this or you don't. Are you a 'cando' or 'can't do' kinda guy?
Only problem there is a deadbolt will look insanely suspicious, and a surveillance system, I don't want to look like some sort of cartel boss ffs.


Well-Known Member
Only problem there is a deadbolt will look insanely suspicious, and a surveillance system, I don't want to look like some sort of cartel boss ffs.
If I were in your position, I would take 4 cuttings from my best female plants and head to the great is the right time anyways.

Those 4 plants if done correctly, will last you the entire year.


New Member
Yeh I would go for it tbh, I've grown in quite a few rented properties, (although never in canada!)chances are it will be fine.

What are your subletting laws where you are? A friend of mine lives in a rented flat an grows in his spare room... After bout 6 weeks of moving in he contacted his landlord and said he was going to get someone to move into his spare room for a little while to help cover bills... The landlord was fine with that, as long as my friend agreed that he was still the person responsible for the flat and that he was still solely responsible for the rent being paid. My mate put a lock on his spare bedroom door and commenced his grow. He did this obviously so if the landlord shows up at very short notice or out of the blue he could let him into the flat and simple say the new guy was out and always keeps his door locked, and ask the landlord to come back another day if he wants in that room.

the landlords only been round once and that was for the yearly inspection that my mate got a weeks notice of, an he cleared all his shit out, and made it look like someone stays in that room.


East Coast

Well-Known Member
Concrete can be a good transmitter of sound - ever stayed in a hotel while their washing and drying or roof cooling equipment is going ? - DO you hear the droning sound transmitted by poorly non-isolated installed equipment ? Be very careful about where that transmitted sound will end up.


Well-Known Member
Where there is a will, there is a way. Can-do guy: identifies and solves problems. Acts normal. Locks his sh$t down. "can't-do" guy: .........blah, blah........and then.......a dead bolt looks suspicious.....

I know everyone on my floor. I'm the friendly dude on the elevator. I call people by their names once we"ve been formally introduced (my grandad knew everyone in a 25 storey building in burnaby). I can go to neighbours and borrow a plunger/cup of sugar/etc if i need. They come to me when they need help. Doesn't happen often but it's called being sociable/normal in my books. Hey, what do i know....

I have a theory: it's called 'dir/lir'. Stand for: ducks in a row/let it rip. Do first, then do the second. Works good


Well-Known Member
How many times have you banged on a neighbours door yelling: 'turn that air conditioner off, it's keeping me up!" Everybody runs electrical devices. Can you hear you7r neighbour vacuuming? Then you need to use common sense and muffle the air you push/pull around. Carbon filter: must have. Now, let it rip. you only have money in your pocket to look forward to (by getting for free what should be free anywhays) and a serious wake up call about the fact that no one gives a crap about what you are doing.

let it rip. kill em...but softly


Well-Known Member
How many times have you banged on a neighbours door yelling: 'turn that air conditioner off, it's keeping me up!" Everybody runs electrical devices. Can you hear you7r neighbour vacuuming? Then you need to use common sense and muffle the air you push/pull around. Carbon filter: must have. Now, let it rip. you only have money in your pocket to look forward to (by getting for free what should be free anywhays) and a serious wake up call about the fact that no one gives a crap about what you are doing.

let it rip. kill em...but softly
Well i am definitely doing it, just debating on wether or not to do it in the closet, or put the tent in the corner of the room, the corner of the room limits my space a lot less, so i could to a hydrohut 2x4(actual 28'x55'), whereas the closet is slightly better security. I suppose if I throw a lock on the room, and keep anyone out of it except my gf, and break it all down come inspection time everything should be kosher.