Will the skeptics please hop over to politics for a minute?


Well-Known Member
There seems to be someone who is anti-vaccine. Please come by and explain why this is a foolish stance. I won't name anyone for sake of decency, but it won't be hard to find.
Thats one of those stances that if you don't get no amount of explaining will

Just post a bunch of stupid memes and save yourself.
no way would i let the flu vaccine touch myself ever or any other unnecessary vaccines.

I remember back in either 02 or 03 when there was a "shortage" of vaccines all over the news but boy they were sure trying to get us in prison to go get our free shot!

no thanks I am good, too many times again and again and again throughout history our leaders have used us for guinea pigs and lab rats.

one time is enough so do not tell me i am paranoid and all the nonsense Tuskegee experiment anyone!
When I was in the service tha anthrax vacine was the one people were afraid of.
That was before anthrax became popular.

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When I was in the service tha anthrax vacine was the one people were afraid of.
That was before anthrax became popular.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Rollitup mobile app
And yet, none of us or our children got infected with anthrax...
And yet, none of us or our children got infected with anthrax...

It was soldiers not children.
In boot camp they pumped us full of stuff
so you could survive in different areas and situations

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And yet, none of us or our children got infected with anthrax...

MANCHESTER, N.H., Oct. 25 — It started with a scratchy throat, a parched sensation that would not go away no matter what Albert Langlois did. It was 1957 and Mr. Langlois had started a new job just two months earlier, working at the Arms Textile Mill, pulling out wool and goat hair that was too short to be made into fabric.
But one day in late October, Mr. Langlois, 33, told his wife that he did not feel well.
"For a few days he says, 'Gee my throat is so dry,' " recalled his wife, Stella, 73. "All he did was drink water. He kept drinking and drinking. We thought it was the flu or something. We didn't know what it was."
It turned out to be anthrax, and Mr. Langlois, the father of two young sons, died a few days later. He was one of nine men at the mill who were infected. Four died of inhalation anthrax in what is still the nation's only outbreak of the disease.
no way would i let the flu vaccine touch myself ever or any other unnecessary vaccines.

I remember back in either 02 or 03 when there was a "shortage" of vaccines all over the news but boy they were sure trying to get us in prison to go get our free shot!

no thanks I am good, too many times again and again and again throughout history our leaders have used us for guinea pigs and lab rats.

one time is enough so do not tell me i am paranoid and all the nonsense Tuskegee experiment anyone!
MY MAN! the government would burn as all to the ground if they could be king of the ashes! Best believe it the gov don't give a fuck about anything besides the might dollar. Corporate banking off the war on terror. Programming peoples brains to think a certain way, the same way as the majority of the population, that they're trying to help us, when all they do is bury the truth so deep you would need an excavator to bring it back to the surface! People need to wake up before it's too late!
MANCHESTER, N.H., Oct. 25 — It started with a scratchy throat, a parched sensation that would not go away no matter what Albert Langlois did. It was 1957 and Mr. Langlois had started a new job just two months earlier, working at the Arms Textile Mill, pulling out wool and goat hair that was too short to be made into fabric.
But one day in late October, Mr. Langlois, 33, told his wife that he did not feel well.
"For a few days he says, 'Gee my throat is so dry,' " recalled his wife, Stella, 73. "All he did was drink water. He kept drinking and drinking. We thought it was the flu or something. We didn't know what it was."
It turned out to be anthrax, and Mr. Langlois, the father of two young sons, died a few days later. He was one of nine men at the mill who were infected. Four died of inhalation anthrax in what is still the nation's only outbreak of the disease.
Was he vaccinated?
MY MAN! the government would burn as all to the ground if they could be king of the ashes! Best believe it the gov don't give a fuck about anything besides the might dollar. Corporate banking off the war on terror. Programming peoples brains to think a certain way, the same way as the majority of the population, that they're trying to help us, when all they do is bury the truth so deep you would need an excavator to bring it back to the surface! People need to wake up before it's too late!
Got A Source?
Please, post a source and enlighten people.
Its right in front of your eyes bro , everyday and everywhere. If you can't see it I'm truly sorry for you, i hope one day you see the light. I can't make you see things how i see things, even if i tried i couldn't. people need to realize things on their own, thats the only way you can ever truly see whats going and believe.
Watch showed called VICE on HBO. Every episode is a different situation in which the government got involved in and did absolutely nothing but make things worse. There are ppl in the government who do care and actually want to make things better (only a few). Sad to say the top dogs who call the shots are the exact opposite. all they see is green.
Watch showed called VICE on HBO. Every episode is a different situation in which the government got involved in and did absolutely nothing but make things worse. There are ppl in the government who do care and actually want to make things better (only a few). Sad to say the top dogs who call the shots are the exact opposite. all they see is green.

It all makes sense now.
Alright men im outta here.
Theres a bad moon on the rise.
Got A Source?
Look up and do some research on what obama is doing for the country since he got elected… only weakening it day by day. Bad choice by bad choice. Lie by lie. Do some research bro, Why do you think the middle class no longer exists? Recently the rich have been getting richer at an alarming rate and the poor have been getting poorer also at an alarming rate.