Help Paranoia Setting In!!!!


Hi guys, iv started a grow journal and have came up with these issues with the seedlings, getting paranoid, can anyone help with a diagnoses?
is that hydroton and what else? Some look like nutrient problems, but they're to young for nutrients.


like all have water and medium info needed

apologies guys, its gold label 60/40, seedlings are only 10 days old so only been feeding water just now, have mixed our 400 litre tank though with coco nova a n b with bnzym excel prof booster and tml (the missing link) ph is sitting at 6, so do you think its lack of nutes?


Active Member
wayyyy to young for nutes or even teas at this point....prob the medium wtf is gold label....u got me on that......water is at 6.0 which isnt bad but not optimal.....gotta be the medium, but they look like they will be fine.....DO NO smash them with nutes....caress them with water until slightly larger


wayyyy to young for nutes or even teas at this point....prob the medium wtf is gold label....u got me on that......water is at 6.0 which isnt bad but not optimal.....gotta be the medium, but they look like they will be fine.....DO NO smash them with nutes....caress them with water until slightly larger
its a soil and pebble mix, have a google at it, we only used it because it was recommended to us for our very first grow, but it was fine then so a bit mythed, but will stick with water, funny thing is, the first time we bought it the guy said it has enough feed in it for a week or 2, and the new place we got this from said to feed right from the get go


Give them water when they get a few sets of leafs just start a low amount of nutrients see how they react after a few days. Just work nutrients in slowly and they'll do fine.


Well-Known Member
When ur seedlings die, and they will, try a nice soil grow next time. It's easier for beginners. Get some ProMix and some MG Organic Choice. Start ur seeds in the ProMix and up-pot to the Miracle Grow soil after about 3 weeks. Doesn't get any easier than that. And lastly, don't take growing advice from guys who work in hydro shops.


Active Member
damn straight....geez i read it i picture like morgan freemans voice....'and they will die'....bhahahaha, personally i never suggest MG...EVER!!! never used Promix, but i keep hearing about it, so it must be worthy....keep em going, i dont think they will ALL die, but def use a better that ppl will not have to google lol good luck bud


Well-Known Member
damn straight....geez i read it i picture like morgan freemans voice....'and they will die'....bhahahaha, personally i never suggest MG...EVER!!! never used Promix, but i keep hearing about it, so it must be worthy....keep em going, i dont think they will ALL die, but def use a better that ppl will not have to google lol good luck bud
MG Organic Choice is one I've used on occasion with 100% success. So it's the one I recommend for anyone who doesn't want to mix their own soil. You can even start seeds in it. FF and the other MJ soil mixes are hot and good for plants that are older but not seedlings. I don't recommend any pre nuted soil whether it's MG or any other brand.


When ur seedlings die, and they will, try a nice soil grow next time. It's easier for beginners. Get some ProMix and some MG Organic Choice. Start ur seeds in the ProMix and up-pot to the Miracle Grow soil after about 3 weeks. Doesn't get any easier than that. And lastly, don't take growing advice from guys who work in hydro shops.
Yeh cheers for the vote of confidence! we will see if they die or not, used the EXACT same medium, EXACT same nutrients the last time we done 9 plants and none died so fail to see were your getting they will die from. thanks for your "help" :|


Well-Known Member
yes and I also read that you have a nute rich medium ... seedlings are from what I understand self sufficient for the better part pat f two weeks if not more.