I started force flowering my 3 plants today!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: :peace: :joint: well hello everybody, good morning to you all. So I think i might be seeing some growth Im not exactly sure. I wish I had a damn camera so I could show you all. Does any one have a good pic of the 1st stage of the flowering process, you know like the 1st signs of sex but not preflowers just the 1st signs of actual flowers. the help would be greatly appreciated as it always is.:peace::leaf::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
how many days in are you?
im 2 days in nothing yet but i can still see the pre-flowering hairs and the plant is growing smooth!

oh btw how old is your plant? because i was able to see the pre-flowering hairs on the branches 2 months in, the plant is 5 months old now!
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Well-Known Member
how many days in are you?
im 2 days in nothing yet but i can still see the pre-flowering hairs and the plant is growing smooth!

oh btw how old is your plant? because i was able to see the pre-flowering hairs on the branches 2 months in, the plant is 5 months old now!

:peace:i never saw any pre flower hairs i dont have a magnifying glass so yeah that sucks. but my plants are 3 months old. they are about
2 1/2 - 3 feet tall. they are doing good they got a bit of nute burn about a week ago but they have recovered well i see new growth but still to early to tell what sex. i'm just sittin back & waiting:mrgreen::peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
bongsmilie :peace: :mrgreen: well well well, i think i might be seeing something but like I said I dont have a camera so I'm kinda on my own right now with finding out the sex but anywhooser, it's been 7 days & there really isnt any definent sign of what sex they are yet. I wonder is that a good sign, I mean females do take longer to show sex so hopefully this wait they're putting me through is a good thing. lets hope. So now for something totally different, so it's been 4 days since i flushed my plants. In that 4 days I didnt water or feed them at all. I wanted to make sure they recovered from the nute burn, & they did. They recovered very well. So today I gave them a half dose of nutes, 15-55-8. I put it in a gallon of water & i also mixed in 2 tbs of molasses. They seem to like that. so we'll see how it goes. I'm hoping to see sex in about 2-3 days. I'll keep all of you posted. thanks again to everyone for your awesome help. Its been extremely insightfull:mrgreen: :bigjoint: :leaf: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
does this look familiar?

this is day 5 flowering of my plant
:joint::peace::confused: yeah that kinda looks like it but im not sure. lets keep in mind that my plants came from a midgrade bagseed. so it wont look that nice but yeah the growths kinda look like that but i just cant tell. i think i see a couple hairs on the top but i just dont know:peace::joint::confused:


Well-Known Member
damn it gets dark over there at 10?
where do you live?

i force flower my plant for 7pm to 7am,
best time for max sunlight and you will appreciate your product more!
but the only bad is waking up at 7am!
buy a timer for 20$? lol


Well-Known Member
Putting a plant into 12/12 before you see any pre flowers stresses the plant! So don't be surprised if growth is slow for a few weeks or so. Also, what strain is it? I think you said it was bagseed, but do you know? Dominant sativas can take weeks to show signs of sex.

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Well-Known Member
joshs drawing.jpg

:peace::joint::confused: so the attached drawing i did is of the new sets of growth i see. what are they. they look like 4 hairs that go around the stalk. what are they? i really need help with this. i think i might see hairs but i probably have to wait for a couple more days to know for sure. Anywhooser I gave them a half dose of nutes the other day & thery handled it very well so they are doing good. I just dropped by to update evrybody & see if I can score some help with my drawing. so any one i reall yneed some help.:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Putting a plant into 12/12 before you see any pre flowers stresses the plant! So don't be surprised if growth is slow for a few weeks or so. Also, what strain is it? I think you said it was bagseed, but do you know? Dominant sativas can take weeks to show signs of sex.


:peace: how do you know if it is a sativa or not i really dont know man. my seeds came from some seriously good midgrade bagseed so i dont know what strain it was. I know it got me high as hell. as for the preflowers, i didn't have a magnifying glass so i never knew if they had any or not. I do know that my plants were 3 months old. so im not sure. any more help would be great.


Well-Known Member
:peace: how do you know if it is a sativa or not i really dont know man. my seeds came from some seriously good midgrade bagseed so i dont know what strain it was. I know it got me high as hell. as for the preflowers, i didn't have a magnifying glass so i never knew if they had any or not. I do know that my plants were 3 months old. so im not sure. any more help would be great.
Sativas have long thin fan blades and are usually tall in stature, lengthy internodes. Your plant are 3 months old? A plants typical life span in soil is anywhere from 3.5-4 months or so. You really need to post some pictures.



Well-Known Member
bongsmilie :peace: what up, what up, what up,? So yet another day & I still dont see anything. WTF !!!! :confused:. I dont get it. Its been like 8 or 9 days now I dont understand why I still dont see anything. I guess I'm just impatient. Oh well. I'll ride it out. Anywhooser, i fed my plants 2 days ago with water nutes & mollasses then today i just gave them some water & mollasses. They are looking good I just dont get why no signs of sex.:? anyways i guess I should just be happy that they're doing well. Patience is a bitch. oh well i guess I'll wait a couple days to update you all on how they're doing, seeing as how nothing has changed yet. Its getting a little redundant to keep posting the same old thing. So I'll see all of you in a couple of days. Thanks for all of the support & help you all have tossed my way. Much love for RIU:joint::eyesmoke::bigjoint::leaf::clap:


Well-Known Member
dude i dont understand how your flowering before seeing signs of sex, what if your flowering a male? get a magnifying glass and look for tiny balls and two small green hairs kinda like two dicks and two balls!

but hopefully it just takes longer like stated before but i just never heard of anyone doing that


Well-Known Member
dude i dont understand how your flowering before seeing signs of sex, what if your flowering a male? get a magnifying glass and look for tiny balls and two small green hairs kinda like two dicks and two balls!

but hopefully it just takes longer like stated before but i just never heard of anyone doing that
um for most people you dont see any signs of sex till flowering so why wouldnt he just go ahead and do so till he sees what are males and what arent?

Hell I look at my buddies plants which have been growing since March and they dont have any signs of sex yet either


Well-Known Member
bongsmilie :peace: what up, what up, what up,? So yet another day & I still dont see anything. WTF !!!! :confused:. I dont get it. Its been like 8 or 9 days now I dont understand why I still dont see anything. I guess I'm just impatient. Oh well. I'll ride it out. Anywhooser, i fed my plants 2 days ago with water nutes & mollasses then today i just gave them some water & mollasses. They are looking good I just dont get why no signs of sex.:? anyways i guess I should just be happy that they're doing well. Patience is a bitch. oh well i guess I'll wait a couple days to update you all on how they're doing, seeing as how nothing has changed yet. Its getting a little redundant to keep posting the same old thing. So I'll see all of you in a couple of days. Thanks for all of the support & help you all have tossed my way. Much love for RIU:joint::eyesmoke::bigjoint::leaf::clap:

Dude, like I said before. If you put a plant into 12/12 before you see pre flowers, you are stressing the plant. Have patience.



Well-Known Member
:peace::mrgreen::joint: so when i went to look at my plants today I saw 2 distinct hairs coming out of the nodes i could see the calyx & the pistils. But I only saw it on 1 of the plants the other 2 were clearly males, they had balls.:cry: yeah that suck but atleast I got 1 girl out of the bunch thats sweet ass:mrgreen:. so anywhooser its been 4 days since i fed my girl some nutes so I hooked her up today shes been seeming to handle them better & better i haven't however, given her a full blast yet I'm working up to it. But anyways I'm just glad i got a girl. So I killed the other 2 it was painful but oh well gotta do what ya gotta do.:mrgreen::peace::blsmoke::joint:


Well-Known Member
try killing a Durban Poison plant that fills a Square metre and is 2 metres tall when it hermies and threatens your Jack Herrer ladies with babies.

luckily it was 2/3rd into flowering so I still got a few half decent smokes off it but man I nearly cried when I had to cut it, took 3 or 4 goes to get the willpower and then I found the trunk was almost 50mm thick, had to go get a saw and hack it to death.


Well-Known Member
nothing beats loads of light but you can only work wiyh what you got,the last few weeks use molasses in your water and flush out the nutrients