Late night at the cove -extra cheezy edition


Well-Known Member
Haha, hey man just a random observation... I dicked around on a couple other boards today because this one was dead for obvious reasons. I have to say the quality of knowledge and feedback here is at least a couple notches higher. As much as we think we deal with trolls and bs (and website issues), it isn't bad at all compared to the alternative IMO. 95% of the threads I tried to read had me doing this...


Well-Known Member
Soooooo...the search for a mother is going well, I flipped the flower girls like I said, and took 48 cuttings. I numbered them all the cuttings 1-24, and labeled the plants accordingly. So if I find a winner in this batch, I'll know which cuttings go along with it...



Well-Known Member
Here was the garden 9 days ago....

And here it is tonight...

Not bad for 9 days growth. Haven't started the stretch yet since I only flipped 'em 2 days ago...


Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm here too

Whats up guys? Late night, I haven't been smoking since last sunday cause I have been sick, but I just took three dabs and now i'm floatin'


Well-Known Member
Looks awesome Meta...:)
Yeah, I just did a water change in flower...I always dread changing out 60 gallons of
Awesome growth man. I really need to get a better setup for my "interim" veg room
Whatcha got goin' on now, man? I feel like if I need at least 9 weeks for these girls to flower, I'm gonna need a bigger space for these cuttings I just took....Assuming they root in the next 2 weeks, they'll be 6 weeks vegged by the time I'm ready to play God with this, plus I have to take another 24 cutting from the girls I have in veg ATM, cause they're from entirely different seed stock...Where am I gonna veg out 72 clones? Holy shit...I might need some help here,


Well-Known Member
Yeah, contemplating putting up some trellis netting horizontally in the flower room, before the girls start to really stretch...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, contemplating putting up some trellis netting horizontally in the flower room, before the girls start to really stretch...
Yeah it's always good to be pro-active, esp. when you know its gonna be a pain in the A.. later. Not saying its going to be, but you know...