Late night at the cove -extra cheezy edition

Hey, buddy. Not much going here. Just enjoying my vacation. This morning I hit the hardware store for everything I need to get a casting bin built, and did some clean up in both tents. Few more chores to do, then it's time for a break. Pack a bowl, and maybe get some reading done. Or maybe just become one with the couch.

Haha, that's what's up right there. A productive day in my opinion :) I gotta do something for compost, I'd really like to try and start composting but i live in the HOA governed suburbs.. :-/ so I don't have a lot of room outside lol. Maybe a bin or one of those rotating deals or something.

But for today, I gotta stop by a uhaul to get a large box to dry in :)
This has been an old school winter, we are over 120" of snow already. Fortunately It didn't last long, now were supposed to be getting some rain...go
Can't come soon enough for me, got a couple girls just itching to go outside.....and I really need to work on my farmers

Haha. Farmers tan...
Headed home right now and traffic is literally parked due to a car accident. Hope everyone is ok but something tells me that's not the case. Selfish me though just wants to get home and check on my girls