Ok Commander Strax... attention!!!


Well-Known Member
Got it didn't I??? Knew you would visit :hump: Have you ever tried meditation?? Random question I know. Remember the name of the forum!


Well-Known Member
DAMNIT COMMANDER HES WANTING TO KNOW IF YOU MEDATATE OR NOT and also he may or may not have a crush on you lol jk


Well-Known Member
I'm in a hawks nest, eating a chicken inside a potato that I combined with some milk I let sit to accomplish a solid state then used a powder to "spice it up" get that??


Well-Known Member
Yeah I geet that but I believe your on a shroom and lsd combination and more then likely you will get caught up in yoyr hallucinations and spasm out and have a brain seizure


Well-Known Member
Strax... Eating a baked potato with chicken, cheese and salt and pepper.. drinking milk.. don't go all weird now. Ever had a outta body experience? kinda like meditation!! never gotta a answer!


Well-Known Member
Dude make sense or just shut up like for real if you were that high you wouldn't be able to type
Had to look again, this is a pot site right. We are gonna sometime ramble and say some shit that don't make sense. damn dude, a little serious huh! thats cool but watch the aggressive talk, we are between computer screens. not face to face. Not sure of your age but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't tell me to shut up to my face.


Well-Known Member
Had to look again, this is a pot site right. We are gonna sometime ramble and say some shit that don't make sense. damn dude, a little serious huh! thats cool but watch the aggressive talk, we are between computer screens. not face to face. Not sure of your age but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't tell me to shut up to my face.

Well yeah your right I will start shit and your right people do tend to ramble on here but I've never had or talked to anyone who has hallucinated from weed like you have