New site layout! What do you like? What do you not like?


Well-Known Member
just click on my avatar, and then it'll say.. start a conversation, that's the new pm's.. each avatar will have that option listed in it when you click it..
it doesnt bring up that option ... I can message you on your profile page but doesnt show that conversation tag... Will keep looking for it...


bud bootlegger


Well-Known Member

this is what i see...

bud bootlegger
from room 237 @ overlook hotel ..
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it's right there, i can see it.. under racerboy
room 237
profilte page, start a conversation.. that's the one i click on to send pms..
I'm betting it's an option specific for mods. Makes things easier. That, or shit's still being tweaked.

EDIT: Yep - came back with the likes. derp.

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
I'm betting it's an option specific for mods. Makes things easier. That, or shit's still being tweaked.

EDIT: Yep - came back with the likes. derp.
so it's a phantom thing, sometimes there, sometimes not. the question is, anybody out there getting the pm's? i'll shoot you one pin... wait one...


bud bootlegger
Personally I think they did a good job and continue to do so, it'll take some time before all the kinks are banged out....
i agree mojo.. i'm not all crazy about the new layout as i REALLY hate new shit, hate learning anything new, etc, but at least the site is back up and running, no malware alerts, the likes are sort of working again, no time errors, etc etc..
it's like anything new, it's going to take some time to get used to it is all, but i for one am happy over all with all the work that has been done to the site, as god knows, it's been long needed.. i'm trying to look at the bright side of things instead of finding all the small things to bitch and moan about.. i know sunni and admin have been on a huge part of the day trying to help solve minor problems, and i appreciate all they do for us here..

i know how hard the past week has sucked playing gold miner and checking twatter every hour hoping to see some updates and hoping the site is back up, i can't bitch too much..

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
i agree mojo.. i'm not all crazy about the new layout as i REALLY hate new shit, hate learning anything new, etc, but at least the site is back up and running, no malware alerts, the likes are sort of working again, no time errors, etc etc..
it's like anything new, it's going to take some time to get used to it is all, but i for one am happy over all with all the work that has been done to the site, as god knows, it's been long needed.. i'm trying to look at the bright side of things instead of finding all the small things to bitch and moan about.. i know sunni and admin have been on a huge part of the day trying to help solve minor problems, and i appreciate all they do for us here..

i know how hard the past week has sucked playing gold miner and checking twatter every hour hoping to see some updates and hoping the site is back up, i can't bitch too much..
did you get my pm? i still haven't gotten yours...