Help = Very low harvest?

Hello all

Just to say that ive been reading some years this threads on rollitup but only now I registered because I would like to talk with some experience people and I start with some questions and a BIG PROBLEM I think...

I readed some other threads about the fact that we can say that is more or less Watt/Gram the final harvest, and yes, i know that the air circulation, nutrients and other facts can affect the final harvest.

But my question is ->
I have 2 homeboxes of 120cmx120cmx200cm and other 1 of 80cmx80cmx200cm.
All homegrows have a 600W HPS but there is one of this that have 2 600W HPS making a total of : 2400WATTS
I have 38 plants, 4 big buds and other 34 are WSS Skunk.
I have a nice air circulation and the temperature room doesnt pass the 32Celcius. and humidity is around of 30%.
I did 1 month of vegetation and know im in the 6 week of flowering. WSS SKUNK is a plant that flowers in 6-8 weeks.
For my calculations, I will get 80grams per homebox, i took of a plant wich was already ready for harvest and was with 4 dry grams. This makes a total of 240grams with 2400watts (making 0.1g / 1 watt) . Is this normal?

I had a problem one day wich the temperature was 15Celcius during night, already during flower perior (more or less 3rd week)
Some of the plants look like are very nice with lots of plenty white hairs and little nice buds on the top, but other of them are already with 40% of red hair and very very small buds and on the top of the plant somethink like 2 grams in the max.
I dont have bugs, I use fertilizers and i dont use the doses that they say to use, i always do 1/2 of the dose for fertilizer wait some time and only than use almost the quantity that they say to use.

Can it be for the soil beeing dry too fast, that i have to water more times and because of that i over fert?

(The buds that dont look to have progess are those that the white hairs are in a straigh line and not curving like in the nice buds, and don't have crystals like the good ones in the leaves)

Thank you for any of your suggestions and advices :)

Soon I will have photos.
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bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
First off I don't "think" that there's a mj seed in this world that will finish in 6-8 weeks. Of course the majority of prefered stains that are mothered produce clones that can finish in 6-8 weeks.
You're doing something seriously incorrect because with 900 less watts you shoulda' scored a couple lbs.
"I did 1 month of vegetation and know im in the 6 week of flowering. WSS SKUNK is a plant that flowers in 6-8 weeks."

That makes my plants with 9 weeks and ends with 12 weeks
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Active Member
Can you post some pictures of your plants? Might be able to diagnose better. Also what nutes? How often?
I will put some photos tomorrow don't got them here.

Nutrients BioBizz Grow and BioBizz Bloom.
I flushed 10 days after giving BioBloom


Well-Known Member
I would take any flower times given by the breeder with a pinch of salt. Your much better off letting the plant tell you when she's ready. Have you looked at the tricombs? Generally speaking, you want to harvest when most of them are cloudy and just starting to go amber.

How was the smoke for the one you harvested? It was probably lacking in potency which means that it was harvested early. All of the strains I have grown have put on a large part of it's weight in the last couple of weeks of flower.


Well-Known Member
Ignore breeder times for the most part... And 6-8 weeks.? Of course you didn't get yield they were barely half done... Wait until your trics start changing.. You cant harvest squat in 6 weeks


Well-Known Member
whatz up guy

they are right about the time.........the breeders know the life cycle of the strain becuase they did all the learning and tweaking years ago u get better and better with the strain the times will get closer to those

but for now always look at several bud sites all over the plant differrent lvl u are looking at tricromes u want them to be milky 70% 30% others should be clear ........this is the time to cut the buds not untill then

to help u out i learned this trick.......u have flushed the soil once now u need to feed the plant .........talking beastie bloom/bud candy/flora plus (those are the ones i use ) but u want to keep increase the amount untill u notice nurt burn on the plants (the tips of all the leaves get little fried) then u back the feeding down by 10% of what ever u were giving it at the time u sawl the burn

hold this .............keep watering (look every day if it is dry u water) ...............near the last 2 weeks before u think u are going to cut it Flush it again ...........change over to cha-ching and any later flowering bloom boosters..........use the same amount u were on other.......keep feeding for the last 2 weeks........flush it again and then do your 2/3 days light to dry the soil out then 48 of darkness before your cut

for water.............go and get brewers bucket with a spogot and lid ...........local beer brewing stores now fill this with just clean water and add a air stone and pump ..............U have desolved alot of Oxygen into the water when u mix the feed up use this water and u are not drowning the roots but giving it goodies it likes with air (this helped me alot)

oh and u are right about the watt and the over all but u are forgetting 2 factors in that u need to know the right amount of water (not to much to stun or to little to reduce the maximum grow power)............and are u getting the right amount of feed (the nurt burn i told u helps u get the closest in big steps the final part is u learning and tweaking for the strain this takes time.......or a huge grow area with well planned out exp and note system)

when u flush u use water but the last gallon u put tho is the new feed mix so the plant has something to eat right away ..............the air in the water trick is great for this done right no droop at all (fillled bucket is about 5 6 gallons so when u fill it allow 45 mins to 1 hour for the air to each maximum retention of air then use it )......could use in 20 mins but i like to give the water time to get cooler from air temp cold water holds air better then hot water (balance act too cold stun the plant to warm plant will droop)
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Well-Known Member
... Use room temp water and water untill you have a little runoff then you dont have to worry about most of that crap he just said. Ive never flushed a plant but if you go his way and feed feed feed until you burn... (not sure why anyone would purposely burn their ladies but whatever)

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Seed breeder says 6-8 weeks. First question is why the big spread? How stable will that breed be? How many pheno's do you think it has?
6-8 weeks breeder says = a translation of 7 to 11 is fair.
Why are you getting some going out to as much as 12 weeks? The strain has different phenotypes. The ones you have to one point or another is that 1 is Indica dominate and 1 is very Sativa dominate. Thus you have the time to finish difference!
Thank you for your suggestions and opinions.

Ok so I will ignore the fact of the strain suppose to be ready in 6-8 week of flowering periord, im gonna wait unitl week 8 and 9 or even 10, whenever the tricom's really visible and ready.
But I still think that the buds are to small because they are not growing that much more now...
My question to you guys is: If you had a 2400W HID system with nice air circulation and did a month of vegetating and 9 weeks of flower perior with 30 plants, how much would you yeld? (more or less, give your minimum and maximum number).

Oh yes, and today I think I will have already photos to share with you guys

Thank You


Well-Known Member
Far to many variables to give a End Yield...The stated Time by Breeders/Seedbank would have been under Optimal Conditions, Not too mention a Grower of some expertise.
I'm still learning everyday and even now would say I am a beginner(no longer a Newb, but not an Expert)
IMHO Vegging for a little longer would have probably benefited you, also a lot of Growers use methods such as F.I.M. and Topping, Scrog and so on to achieve Great results...

It can be a very long Journey to get the Setup just right(read Perfect) and learning about the strains you working with always helps...this is My 2nd time round with BCB, DCC and 00 the Third time I might know enough to get a little closer to a Good yield...I have found the DCC to be quite picky, whereas the BCB and 00 Choco can take whatever I chuck at em and whatever Mistakes I may have made Thus so far...But I know I can do better and will keep cloning and Growing and taking Note of everything I do...whether to do with the GR, The Medium, Nutes...etc



Well-Known Member
First off I don't "think" that there's a mj seed in this world that will finish in 6-8 weeks. Of course the majority of prefered stains that are mothered produce clones that can finish in 6-8 weeks.
You're doing something seriously incorrect because with 900 less watts you shoulda' scored a couple lbs.
Really? My K.A.S.I. does.. This is her at the 3 week mark. Trichs where at 60/40 ;) come week 6. F1 K.A.S.I.#1 (2) week  3 flowering re sized.JPG


Well-Known Member
And then theres the freedom breed from dr greenthumb thats faster than anything else on the planet. But generally speaking ignore the breeder and listen to the plant. Getting up to 2400 in lights is getting excessive. Learn to perfect a 600 first


Well-Known Member
Gee thanks.. Im sure the breeder knows about the strains he/she runs. Well I know at least I know I do.. lol :)
And then theres the freedom breed from dr greenthumb thats faster than anything else on the planet. But generally speaking ignore the breeder and listen to the plant. Getting up to 2400 in lights is getting excessive. Learn to perfect a 600 first


Well-Known Member
Of course the breeder knows the plants. Doesnt have a bit to do with the marketing of said plant though. 90% or more of the strains ive tried would have been chopped too early by a week or two if i chopped at the "breeders time" and from everything I've seen on rollitup and elsewhere that's almost everyone's experience as well. (should check out that freedom 35 though... Its rediculous fast)
Yes, im learning each time i do it. This is not my first time doing this, i already did 1 time 1 plant WWS SKUNK to a 600W and i took in the final 135 grams from it in21 weeks; and then i had 4 happy skunk for 19 weeks in the same conditions and i took more or less 110 grams. Thats why this time im very confuse since i had the same strain that first time and im having bad results this time in yeld...


Well-Known Member
Jorge Ampalius said:
i already did 1 time 1 plant WWS SKUNK to a 600W and i took in the final 135 grams for the plant in 21 weeks, and then i had 4 happy skunk for 19 weeks in the same conditions and i took more or less 110 grams. Thats why this time im very confuse since i had the same strain that first time and im having bad results this time in yeld...
I'm Baked(so excuse me IF not following) But are you saying you did 1x WWS SKUNK under the 600w on its own? for 21 weeks = 135g

And you then did 4x HAPPY SKUNK under the same 600w and for 19 weeks = 110g

If so(Maybe I'm reading it wrong) But how is that the same conditions..?
