Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever use coconut coir and perlite for growing medium with organic amendments? Did you ph your water?
Dyna, I use coconut coir and perlite and bit of peat mixed in with local soil. Its full of nutrients and I only utilize coconut water + fresh aloe juice for feeding. roughly 10 degrees N lat

I never PH

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Outdoor sativa here most or all indicas in my area would be finishing now but this girls still going.this sativa has definitely been roughed up from nearly breaking the main stem from tying it down to hard to having spider mites at one stage she's been through it all : )



Well-Known Member
Outdoor sativa here most or all indicas in my area would be finishing now but this girls still going.this sativa has definitely been roughed up from nearly breaking the main stem from tying it down to hard to having spider mites at one stage she's been through it all : )
looking good. you know, some of us break the stem voluntarily, it can cause some development delays, but it can produce fatter plants because of the way it heals. it's not a bad thing at all. sorry about the mites though, that shit sucks

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
looking good. you know, some of us break the stem voluntarily, it can cause some development delays, but it can produce fatter plants because of the way it heals. it's not a bad thing at all. sorry about the mites though, that shit sucks
Cheers mate yeah I tied it down then a month later realised I was strangling it ,but that was in veg stage so she pulled through.I got mites while in flower and basically just trimmed a lot of the larger leaves off over a period of two weeks to get rid of most if them there's still a few around but not in plague proportions so I'm lucky there.ive learnt a lot from this plant being sativa,looks like its going to take least 8 weeks to finish flowering ?i do count my blessings tho that I can grow in the sun for so long ...happy smoking to yo all

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
They can go a long time! Sativas are tough plants :)
Our long daylight hours have just finished its still a healthy temperature outdoors but the rain is settling in and grey sky's are here so I'm wondering how the tough girl of mine will go about finishing off


Well-Known Member
We had a hot dry winter and the Mulanje actually started to reveg! We get lucky in SoCal every once in a while and have perfect Sativa weather. The hash ball is from the Mulanje. It smells so sweet :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah SoCal weather is a trip.. Still don't have the patience for a sativa though. I had one a couple seasons back that never finished and ended up dying in the winter nowhere close to harvest.


Well-Known Member
I am so busy all the time and I never know who will need me to drive them somewhere so I need to stay un-medicated for most of the time. When I can medicate, I don't want something that will keep me up all night wondering about things!


Well-Known Member
Here are a couple shots for Mohican and the other guys into seed making. This is one of my two Jackberry male clones I'm keeping in the window. Definitely more sativa dominant instead of the heavy Blueberry Indica mom. If you look closely at him, he's a triploid, a genetic mutation usually found in males. I wonder if I should chunk him? I mean, you do Jackberry for the heavy-indica purple colored phenos anyway, right? Or at least an indica-heavy, dank ass green pheno like I'm flowering indoors. Still, he was the most vigorous of the lot, from seed to first topping and cloned too easy for a rookie rooter, haha. The other one is a more indica leaning plant and will be used for sure. I would post some pics of the indica-dom, but for some reason these are the only two of the eight I took of the two males that it let me post.

Edit: when I say sativa dom, what I actually mean is "not as indica" as the others.

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