Help = Very low harvest?

When i say same conditons i refer to the equipment, the difference is that know i have 3 grow rooms and not just one, and i thought that maybe dooing 12 plants per grow room, not for so many time that before but using more plants that would had more or the same yield
And then theres the freedom breed from dr greenthumb thats faster than anything else on the planet. But generally speaking ignore the breeder and listen to the plant. Getting up to 2400 in lights is getting excessive. Learn to perfect a 600 first
And if i have space for 3 or more i think that is the same thing, just a bit more work in watering and harvesting


Well-Known Member
Well techinally thats not that bad. I put 9 under each 600 myself and that would be 36. But yeah i guess if you cn handle the heat, power bill, and extra work


Well-Known Member
But to be clear, you can't double the watts in a room to make the plants finish twice as fast.:lol:


Active Member
9 plants in 3g buckets fit nicely under a 600w in oneof those 120x120 tents.As a newbie you should be looking for around an oz per plant.
Don't even think about harvesting till your buds are really fat with only leaf tips protruding,and your trichs are how you like them-Im sure you've seen plenty bud porn pics with big thc covered buds,that's what you're after.
From what you've said it sounds like you're harvesting way too early,and to harvest a bud that dosent even have any trichs on it yet is just silly.Its only in the last couple of weeks that they really fill out and become potent;I think you're just needing some patience.
Btw,I use Bio Bizz too and I feed with every watering-5ml per liter of bloom and 2Ml per liter of cal mag for flowering.


Well-Known Member
First off I don't "think" that there's a mj seed in this world that will finish in 6-8 weeks. Of course the majority of prefered stains that are mothered produce clones that can finish in 6-8 weeks.
You're doing something seriously incorrect because with 900 less watts you shoulda' scored a couple lbs.

I have a variety that is 90 days - start to finish. 65 day budding time. It's my own variety that I bred. That's about as fast as I can get them to go...

If I pick at 45 days, I end up with buds that are half the weight, but, trichs are crystal clear, and the high is CRYSTAL CLEAR... however, its very short lasting and the taste is something awful green.
9 plants in 3g buckets fit nicely under a 600w in oneof those 120x120 tents.As a newbie you should be looking for around an oz per plant.
Don't even think about harvesting till your buds are really fat with only leaf tips protruding,and your trichs are how you like them-Im sure you've seen plenty bud porn pics with big thc covered buds,that's what you're after.
From what you've said it sounds like you're harvesting way too early,and to harvest a bud that dosent even have any trichs on it yet is just silly.Its only in the last couple of weeks that they really fill out and become potent;I think you're just needing some patience.
Btw,I use Bio Bizz too and I feed with every watering-5ml per liter of bloom and 2Ml per liter of cal mag for flowering.
If i take an oz per plant i get really happy, that would be 1000 grams but I think that this time will be impossible. Let's see... I will wait till is ready and I can be really patience if it is to get really nice buds. All this doubts were because I thought that because of beeing WWS SKUNK and it says in the website that it would be ready in 45-60 days, that's why I was worried, because "it were suppose to be ready in the next 4 days". Since there are lots of plants and you say that everything it depends on the growing method too, I will wait more 3/4 weeks. Ill get you some pics


Well-Known Member
Hello. Just thought I would let everyone know I have a little side by side grow going. No rules or anything, all in fun, wish I could give out prizes to the winner, but its against forum rules. Anyways I would like if everyone could join. I also added a side bonus. Lets see who can get those 3 ounce monster cola's or more ;) 3 ounce contest thread ->

side by side thread -->
Hello. Just thought I would let everyone know I have a little side by side grow going. No rules or anything, all in fun, wish I could give out prizes to the winner, but its against forum rules. Anyways I would like if everyone could join. I also added a side bonus. Lets see who can get those 3 ounce monster cola's or more ;) 3 ounce contest thread ->

side by side thread -->
Damn! Like i said, already had a monster :D I'll be outside for now :)
Ok, im really freaking out because my PC can't detect my pentax camera so i cant post here those pics for now.
The problem that I would like to show to you on my grow room is this in the following pictures:

THe first picture shows a bud beeing created, with some volume and the hair looks like its "wet" and curling, having the bud ball inside it what it does looks very nice.

I have some plants like this and theyre buds are growing everyday, like in the first picture, but they have more trico.

My other plants are like the example 2 that i did (sorry im not an artist in paint), they don't have buds, or atleast they are very very small, but they have a very big hair coming out, but this hairs aren't like the other good plants (wet curling hairs) but instead they are like a straight line coming out of the plant and the hair looks like its dried... These ones the buds aren't getting bigger and don't have 5% of the tric that the good plants have,


ok its more or less this, these aren't my plants, are photos from the internet but are the most similar to mine.

The first one the hair as u can see is very big and its straight, it doesnt curl, looks like its dry. These plants look like this for 2 weeks and dont grow more the buds. ( In this image the bud have nice trics, mine plants almost dont have them and the hairs are more thin and straight).

The other plants are like in the right image, they are growing alot and have 500% more tricomes and u can see by the hair that is much better (i think).

(The weird is that i have some of plants like the left image and some like the right, they all share the same grow room and this happened in different grow rooms, so it cant be for the light or air circulation or fertilizers since i do the same in the 3 grow rooms, so this probably is other problem.

For me looks like that the buds are to close to the light and that's why they look dry and maybe a little bit burn but the leaves around them are perferctly fine, but the strange is that my best plant with more buds and tric is very close to the light and there are plants with that problem not so close to the light)

Maybe some to hot problem? sometimes it get to 33 / 34Celcius in the upper part of the grow room



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Active Member
i think heat may be a big issue here, from what you described above, it sounds like a similar problem a friend of mine had. pistols were forming where bud should be, but there was no bud... i think he ended up with about 7 useable grams off 6 plants. using 2 1000w lamps and a 400w would give off less heat than the 4 600w your using, how far away are the plants? and how tall are the plants? ideally you want the lights at 1ft from theplant, but in your condition i really wouldnt reccomend that. if your plants are too tall theres gonna be no light reaching the bottom nodes/ this the reason? do you have far too many budspots in a too tall plant? the light wont penetrate and cause yield loss. ...did you overwater nutes in veg? ive seen it happen where plants take far too much nutes in veg (without showing signs) only to continue in a half veg state all through flower, usually they tend to keep sprouting new branching, and you get leaf after leaf appear.

pics would help massively, without them we could give a million answers


Active Member


Well-Known Member
I've posted this other places, but I'm gonna add it here. I think one of the biggest factors that people get confused on with flowering time is when it starts. I'm always seeing newer growers asking if their buds are done, and/or why they don't look full and finished.

Flower does not begin when you switch your lights to 12/12. It is a hormonal response within the plant that takes time. After you switch your lights the plant must go through a "transition" phase. It reacts internally to the light change and builds up the appropriate hormones to begin flowering. If the plant is fully mature, like a clone from an established mother, this transition will usually only take 4-7 days depending alot on genetics.

However if you attempt to switch a plant to flower that isn't mature it can take much longer for it to transition and actually begin to flower. Some times this lack of maturity can add weeks to the transition. The genetics again play a factor here. The genetics determine how long it takes for the plant to mature, and will impact how long it takes to transition. All of this as well as phenotype variation is why its hard to go by an advertised "flower time". The breeder might be right on that one phenotype under perfect conditions will actually flower for 6 weeks and another might be 8 weeks but that should be actual flower time not just time spent under 12/12 lighting.

Like everyone else without seeing your plants I can't begin to say whats actually wrong here. It sounds to me though like you have some different phenotypes in the mix which can result in very different plants even from the same seeds.

I would also guess (and this is why I typed every thing above), that you are trying to count on the plants switching to flower when you flip the lights to 12/12. If the buds look like the pictures you did post, then they are likely only about 2-3 weeks into the flower process to begin with. If you only vegged the plants for 1 month prior to flipping then I highly doubt the genetics were mature and inturn it took those plants extra time to transition before beginning to flower.

It sounds like you've got alot of money and time put into this grow so I hope your able to work out the kinks.
i think heat may be a big issue here, from what you described above, it sounds like a similar problem a friend of mine had. pistols were forming where bud should be, but there was no bud... i think he ended up with about 7 useable grams off 6 plants. using 2 1000w lamps and a 400w would give off less heat than the 4 600w your using, how far away are the plants? and how tall are the plants? ideally you want the lights at 1ft from theplant, but in your condition i really wouldnt reccomend that. if your plants are too tall theres gonna be no light reaching the bottom nodes/ this the reason? do you have far too many budspots in a too tall plant? the light wont penetrate and cause yield loss. ...did you overwater nutes in veg? ive seen it happen where plants take far too much nutes in veg (without showing signs) only to continue in a half veg state all through flower, usually they tend to keep sprouting new branching, and you get leaf after leaf appear.

pics would help massively, without them we could give a million answers

" pistols were forming where bud should be, but there was no bud " -> Yes Im having that exactly problem with some of the plants

"how far away are the plants?" -> more or less 45 cm from the center and from sides 50/75 but these plants that im having problems on of them are close and other arent.

"and how tall are the plants?" -> 55cm to 110 cm (starting from the trunk :P) ,

"if your plants are too tall theres gonna be no light reaching the bottom nodes/ this the reason?" -> Bottom branching is clearly smaller, some of them are with some few hairs only other ones are "nice" (better). well the tallest plants aren't under the lights, because yes they wouldn't feet there so I pushed them for the sides and they are getting light. these ones are some of the plants stuffed with tric that aren't under the lights, the hairs are totally white,(not like other plants with 35/45% already brown since week 4) and buds getting bigger every day
The smaller plants are with supports under them to reach better the light.

".did you overwater nutes in veg?" -> I watered only when was nedeed and consulted the table of the nutes that i was using, and start using only with 1/2 of what they asked and gradually increasing but never for the amount that they asked for. Stop giving veg nutes when went to flower period and then waited 15 days to start feeding with bloom nutes. Same step I followed with flower nutes 1/2..

They increased their size a lot in flower period but new branches perhaps they appeared but that I didn't notice.

In this case is it probably that they will take even longer to flower but will buds increase their size?

Some of plants have 4 grams (the smaller). The big ones maybe 11? I don't know :\

today il get those dam photos

ty for the help!
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