Free likes for everyone

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
No offense but this thread is pretty high schoolish.
It's like kids these days who expect everyone to like this shit on facebook.
It's an overrated rep system, likes nor rep mean anything on these forums.
At most rep would be taken into consideration when taking someones advice.
no offense but nobody asked your opinion either ;) If you don't like the likes or the likes thread....don't participate

when was the last time you smiled?


Well-Known Member
no offense but nobody asked your opinion either ;) If you don't like the likes or the likes thread....don't participate

when was the last time you smiled?
A few minutes ago, I smiled at some stupid GIF I believe.

No one did ask for my opinion, this is true.
This is the internet though, not North Korea, so I can damn well say what I choose when I choose.
Now I'm smiling again.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, ok. I kinda figured that was too far.

Just wanna say that I will bankroll any fight to the death between "Jesus of Cannabis" and "Cannabis Is Free".
Yup I read it before someone deleted it.
I was like damn, the moment I tried to reply it said I don't have permissions, I thought I was banned from the forums for a moment till I refreshed lol.