

Well-Known Member
Well this will be my second journal and the title says it all. I will be attempting a perpetual 12/12 from seed using cfls as my lightsource I grow in hempy buckets..... After my first journal I took some time and did some reading on IC mag and learned a bit more about cfl and micro grows... drbudgreenjeans over there has some amazing shit he is doing with very basic supplies and principles a big inspiration for this grow:joint:

alright I will be using a grow box 2ft tall 2ft wide 1 ft deep....I will be growing in 16oz cups using100% perlite,seeds will be germinated using the paper towel method....I will run a max of 5 42w cfl in the box I am currently using 4 I am waing on a full spectrum bulb(5000k) to be deliverd the other 4 are 2700k...there is 1 pc fan for exhust and 2 passive intakes my temp maxs at 90 so I am good with it... I will be making a simple cheap carbon filter this week, I use only r/o water for nutes i will be using 5-1-1 fish emulsions + dynagrow bloom 3-12-6 I mix 1/8 of teaspoonof each per gallon of water (took some experimenting but this combo is working for me.... I will also give a dose of molasses late in flower...the box can accomadte a max of 18 cups, I have 7 in there now that are 2 weeks old, and I have 6 more seeds germinating....I will start the last 5 next week these are all bagseeds I have several hundred of them all from a couple of ounces a friend bought so far I am 8 for 10 females... I plan to work out alot of the logistics along the way hopefull with some help from you guys ... my goal is to avaerage about 7-8 grams per plant which I am certain is attainable with 12/12 if I can do that and harvest 4 per week then this will be a success.... I will post pics ( for those that followed my last grow Igot a new camera :mrgreen:) later tonight or in the morning so pull up a chair and help if you can....


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Well-Known Member
here are a few random shots sorry some of them are kind of blury still figuring the new camera out.......the more I read about this 12/12 thing the more I am convinced it will work so far so good though... could use some help I have a shelf I can put inside the box to have the plants right under the lights the problem is the temperatures get up over 100 when Ido this I assume its becase my intakes are at the bottom and with the shelf in there no much fresh cool air is available...any ideas?? another exhaust fan maybe?? with out the shelf and with the plants on the bottom the temp is 85-90



Well-Known Member
Do your dixie cups have a hole near the bottom like a normal Hempy Bucket??
Do you step up to a bigger container when the plants grow??


Well-Known Member
Do your dixie cups have a hole near the bottom like a normal Hempy Bucket??
Do you step up to a bigger container when the plants grow??

yes they are just a normal hempy bucket with a hole about 1.5" fromthe bottom, to be honest I dont think I will need a bigger cup I think they can go in these the whole way, I have seen plants grown in 16oz containers, and I have grown hempy bucket style using 32oz cups and felt it was a big waste of space, so the plan is not to have to transplant BUT if I need too I have 32ozcups ready and waiting


Well-Known Member
Just a couple more pics I did some minor changes to the box after I took the pics so you guys will have to wait for those... I changed my lighting array a bit so I now I have 6 bulbs total 4 42w and 2 26w so 220w total the 2 26w add some blue spectrum to the box...I like the coverage I am getting and my temps stay good with just passive intake and one pc fan for exhaust, staying between 80-85... you will see in the pics the results of some early nute experiments i buned some leaves, also you will see another experimetn 2 of the cups have plants that are clones (kind of) I had a plant that I harvested the 2 lowest branches had little underdeveloped buds so I cut the brnches and stuck each in a rockwool cube andwhat do you know roots began and now I have what looks to be a bud growing I will take some closeups of it tomorrow..as always questions and POSITIVE comments are welcome, :joint:



Well-Known Member
how long will it take to do this perpetual 12/12, when will they be showing sex?, I'm curious
based on my experiments it has has taken at least 3-4 weeks so my plan is to start new seeds when and if any males show I want to always have the box full my lights are in a fixed position but I have found using empty cups works to get the plants closer to the lights so it should all work.....


Well-Known Member
well nothing to really report plants are looking ok, I have a few random photos you will see the 2 "clones" I mentioned and also the new light array. I have decided to eliminate the dynagrow bloom for now and use a mixture of fish emulsions and molasses... i think the bloom was giving me some burn I may add it back later when buds are developing... as it stands i have 12 cups 2 are the "clones" I will wait about 2 weeks and see if any males show and I will start another batch of seeds to fill the box then... I a considering topping them all but I havent decided yet... suggestions?

