Well took the leap of faith ...


Well-Known Member
Today I ordered some of Nirvana's White Widow from Dr. Chronic ... $40 to the door ... not bad ... not bad at all! ... I already got a confirmation email on my order ... will let you know how it goes ... :hump:


dont worry; they should arrive fine,,, give em about two weeks, but prob be quicker than that


Well-Known Member
Just curious ... what payment method did u use? I am so leary of the credit card way.
Actually I used my debit card ... and I got my beans today ... 10 white widow seeds:hump: ... no freebies though ...:neutral: ... it took 8 days from UK to US ... east ... :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
I decided to do four ... I did seven of the blueberry from peak seeds ... think I over did it should have done four with them too ... so far two have cracked open put the stem isn't very long ... just open where I can see it ... the other two ... nothing so far ... 6 of the blueberry sprouted ...


Well-Known Member
No details...but how was the stealth?


mine made it....in the end thats all that matters right?
Yes and no...

If it made it through on luck and the stealth was crappy, that is one thing...

If the stealth was great and it passed though because of true sneakiness, that is something completely different.

I indicated that don't want any details posted...I just want to know if the stealth was good, bad, average, etc... :cool:



Well-Known Member
Folks I must say the WW isn't doing too good ... out of the four seed I germinated two popped up and they don't act or look healthy at all ... they don't seem to be growing very fast ...
... I'm germinating two more seeds because I don't think the two that haven't popped up are going to make it ...

... so far I'm deeply disappointed in the performance of these seeds ... :neutral:


Well-Known Member
Folks I must say the WW isn't doing too good ... out of the four seed I germinated two popped up and they don't act or look healthy at all ... they don't seem to be growing very fast ...
... I'm germinating two more seeds because I don't think the two that haven't popped up are going to make it ...

... so far I'm deeply disappointed in the performance of these seeds ... :neutral:
Sorry to hear that. I had the same experience with my first Northern Lights, purchased from BC Seed king. I ended up with one harvestable plant out of 10 seeds. I'm hoping my Nirvana NL will do better.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Thanks ... I'm hoping that they are just slow to develop ... here a picture of the sprouts ... the one on the right pop up on the 14th or 15th ... the one on the left popped up on the 17th ... :neutral:



Well-Known Member
looks like Chronic isn't going to stand by his product ... so I'm going to work with what I have and hope for the best ... out of the 6 seeds I germinated ... 3 popped up ... the one on the left is the worst ... the two others show promise, but as you can see these plants are almost a month old ... this picture was taken 05 Aug.

Any suggestion to help them get healthy would be appreciated ... :-?:cry:



Well-Known Member
In both of your post your plants look over watered. Let the soil dry out before you water it. I don't know what kind of soil you are using, but when you transplant in to bigger pots I would add some perlite to the mix. You get better drainage, allowing more oxygen to get to the roots system. More oxygen to the roots = more growth.


Well-Known Member
I don't water until the soil is dry ... I'm careful about that with seedlings ... and I'm using pro-mix potting soil ... I'd just watered when I took that shot ... I will add more perlite to the mix and see what happens ... when I transplant ...