A number of us have. I believe 2cimdma is the one who creates heroin from sunlight, sandy soil, seed and perserverence. Rory? is that the guy? Anyway, to the op. Yes, it is frighteningly easy to do. If you are unwilling to seach for the high yielding strains, go down and get some poppy seeds from your local grocery store. The plant was bred for seed production for your bagels but they will produce ample quantities of morphine and codeine for your enjoyment. Or you could purchase seeds online about anywhere that have afghani potency.
The only thing you need to concern yourself with is that:
1. seedlings are tough to transplant
2. seedlings are highly susceptable to stem rot at an early age
3. The plant itself is in a convenient legal limbo, if you are an old lady and you have the occasional bright red or white flowers growing in your back yard, you won't have much of a problem. If you have a beard and a glazed look you might. You might have a problem with explaining a field of them, or even a single pod that has been scored you can run afoul with feds right quick. I recently read a story of some guy who was arrested for having grown and harvested a couple of dozen poppy plants. The typical local constable claimed that just one plant could produce a kilo of high grade heroin. That we should all be so lucky as point - four
4. You are going to have to grow quite a few in order to get any satisfactory yield.
I don't recall ever managing to get more than a scant few grams of low grade opium for my effort, and I planted dozens of giganthemums.
Good luck to you - they are strange and beautiful plants and flowers in their own right.