Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

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New Member
Well....penis cookies....penis suckers?:shock:
Yeah thats kind of funny. :D

Naked twister at a bridal shower? :o:shock:

Ok think about it for a minute> :confused:

I thought about it for more than a minute and want to know when and where it is so i can clear my schedule;)
What would be so wrong with that? What are you saying Lacy? HMMMMMM? lol
sorry for the whole havin a penis thing

my bad

ill try harder next time
I envy you your penis, so don't feel too bad
penis envy

Dr. Freud:bigjoint:
yesh. She wants one :arrow:BAD



New Member
Yeah, I wish I could know what it's like to have a penis. You know, be the penetrator instead of the penetratee.
is this just you or is this a common female theme?? because I can speak MOST of the guys here and say being penetrated doesn't sound like all that much fun....:confused:


New Member
well DUH!!!!!:dunce:

You don't really have a lot of options as far as where the pentration goes. :neutral::peace:

well....umm...never mind:arrow::peace::mrgreen:
is this just you or is this a common female theme?? because I can speak MOST of the guys here and say being penetrated doesn't sound like all that much fun....:confused:


Well-Known Member
they sell those. :lol:
Well see, that's not what I'm talking about. I mean, if I ever had sex with a woman, I'd definately want to go there, but that's not the same. That's penetrating someone with something, fuck that, I want to know what it's like to have a KAK

I mean, to have an apendage that's so...changeable....we don't have anything like that! And being able to spell your name in the snow...

is this just you or is this a common female theme?? because I can speak MOST of the guys here and say being penetrated doesn't sound like all that much fun....:confused:
well yeah, anal penetration doesn't sound good to me either, so I'm with you there. I'm not talking about wanting to penetrate a guy, that'd be gay, lol.

what? have you never touched a dick? find one to touch and hold it and rub it and thats what it feels's not magic
Knowing how one feels with your hand isn't the same as knowing how it feels to HAVE one


Well-Known Member
i can hammer nails with mine.

hang a towel on it.

stir cookie dough.

mix paint.

use it to dig weeds .........................
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